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Great to know this series will always be here! I believe this was the longest entry in the entry in the series! It's great to have more exploration set up. I will admit that this isn't one of my favorite series of yours. It's still great. I love this idea of a mirror world.

I would like to eat hair too. The five years was worth the wait. It always makes you wonder how this world works. How did this insane world come to be? I like the idea of tangible villains appearing.

I thought that was fine for something short. Well, most of these cartoons are short. I admit that I don't remember Mathman at all. I never played his games. I never even played many math games. I love how mad the kid gets.

He is stupid! To be fair, sometimes a 1 can look like a 7. You know, with the thing on top? Well, the animation probably doesn't hold up. You can draw different eyes, though.

Wow, this was a forerunner for the "Power Star" series. I really had no idea this would be so epic. It didn't start that great at first. When the fights started, that's when it got awesome. I just love seeing the koopas with guns and swords. That's such a funny image!

You could add that music from "The Matrix Reloaded" to anything to make it cool. The movie wasn't great, but it did have that awesome music. I didn't like it how the title was all in lower case. It made it seem unprofessional. Still, that did make the quality more unexpected and better.

D-SuN responds:

It gets better in adv 2 and 3 when Scorpion from MK and Freiza from Dragon Ball enter the fray... hahah. What a crazy series haha, I haven't re watched them in a long time.

Wow, sure is weird to review something made by Livecorpse. You know, seeing as how he died a violent death. I really did like this a lot. It's better than the games people make in short times. Cartoons probably work better this way. I liked most of it.

I wasn't quite sure what to click at first. I do appreciate Sqeezy's the most. Probably because he's my favorite animator here. I didn't know they'd be that long. That shows effort.

I didn't know this was a trailer. I was expecting more. Still, it was pretty good. The designs seem unique. You rarely see game trailers here. They do have demos, though.

I like the distinct colors. It's quite nice. I couldn't believe that wasn't Rina-chan! Well, I assume every voice is from her now. Lisa, what a strange name to use.

I didn't know where this was going. It just seemed to be about a picnic at first. It wasn't very interesting. Why would you do it with stick figures? I understand it with the ending now. It was pretty fun.

It is too long. Was that Tom Hanks laughing? I think that was from "Toy Story". The animation was quite nice. I like your more violent stuff better.

I thought this was pretty weak. There weren't really any jokes in it. We all have old shame. I guess it was at least something different for you. It needed more sound. It was just too bland.

I guess there were some okay details. It was also way too short. At least it was something. It probably is your weakest submission. Well, we all have our off days.

I liked this, but I'm sorry to bring the score down. It was especially nice to see some good early stuff you did. I really did like the character designs. They seemed relatively different than the newer ones you did. I liked the style. I admit it could have been funnier.

I do like the idea of the ants talking to them like that. I'm kind of reminded of "Rayman". You know, the video game? This was pretty interesting. I like that title.

This was probably my favorite in the series. It just had the most creativity. It was the most unpredictable. I really liked that long statement at the end. It was probably the funniest one you had. This wasn't that great of a series.

I actually like your live-action stuff more. It's a pity we don't encourage that anymore. I look both ways too. I don't want to be like that. I liked the colors.

Well, that was unpredictable. I was impressed at the animation. I mean, they really did seem to come forward in this. The movements were like a human's. That's impressive for stick figures! I had no idea what was going on.

The length was pretty good. I'm just more used to your other cartoons. This was still definitely decent. I've never seen a submission with ~ in the title. That's so unique.

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