View Profile Ericho

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This was just gorgeously animated, dude! I think Samus' human face could have been better. Because of that, I'm glad you had her in her suit most of the time. The animation was just groundbreaking! I'm not that familiar with the games so I don't know if she has a boyfriend or whoever the guy in the picture was. I can't believe someone sang this!

I thought it was just music you took from an English version of one of the games or something. You have given me the best Metroid cartoon I've ever seen in my life! I'm at least familiar with most of the villains. I've played some versions of the game. I wish Brentalfloss would have a profile here. He's really cool.

I thought I had seen the first part before. It's just that you've made so many cartoons, it's hard to keep track. I must have been thinking of something else. Anyway, the animation and voices were as good as ever. I like this premise. It's interesting to see how this will all play out.

It's easy to tell you do all the voices in your work. You should have submitted the first one here. You really don't know what will happen next. The best joke was probably the Free Candy one. Insert pedophile joke.

I knew this was going to be something I gave the full five stars too. I think the best part is how awesome the animation is. I wasn't expecting Gary to appear as Dr. Manhattan. I think I mistook him for Mr. Krabs at first. You made me realize how awesome the Watchmen trailer was. Was this based on word that the second SpongeBob movie would be about superheroes?

I love the joke about the ugly barnacle in this. Dang, is that classic. The use of "My leg" was fantastic as well. I also love the final part where the viewer shoots himself. Yeah, we've all felt like that. You deserve your high score.

Yeah, I think I have seen this one before. It really is very funny. I had a feeling he wasn't going to get shocked. My only complaint was that it was a bit too short. The visual of an alien egg randomly appearing really is quite funny. The voices are good too.

I don't know what was up with those sheep at the end. Well, you made it different than the last episode! I do like that jelly penguin. The artwork is done pretty well too. I wonder how that other kid died?

Yes! I remember seeing these cartoons before. I actually don't think I saw this specific one. I'm glad, because it's so awesome in itself. I like the notion of that green monster coming around. I love the little subtitles for everything. Jew Dough was a great example.

The animation is great too. I was waiting to hear that Jelly Penguin at the end. That's just such a funny set of words. It's easy to tell this is bad advice. Well, it is already bad advice.

It's weird, because at first I was thinking that this was too long. At the end, I actually thought the opposite. I wanted to see more of his father! It was still a great cartoon. I think your older cartoons are the only ones that never made front page. The animation and voice work is as good as ever. It was great to see something come out of that banana.

I was thinking this might be a music video. Well, it was kind of talking about a music video, I guess. I would love to see this story continue. Young Fernando looks so innocent. I bet you'll reply to this...or not.

Sexual-Lobster responds:


I'm surprised that this has the lowest rating for anything for this NATA round! Then again, I guess the other ones are in fact better. There are only five so far. I really did like this cartoon because I thought it was well designed. I just thought it had a great premise. While I didn't understand it, I could still associate with it.

The voices were nice too. If you got rid of the rough edges around this, it would be great! You definitely have potential with this. I'm glad to have come by it. This NATA really has given us some great cartoons.

The artwork was great in this! While it was a bit hard to follow, it's still wonderful. It mostly works because of how well it's set up. Everything is just so wonderfully colorful in this. I know I've seen art like this before. It's some of the best execution of its kind.

You really know how to go around and show us interesting places. I can see why the score is so high. The music was great as well. Again, it seemed like a music video. Even the title is pretty cool.

Dang, here's another one where I had no idea about what it had to do with going home. I mean, it seemed like a monkey going on a journey. I was technically right about that. The unexpected thing is that he was an alien! I was wondering why he killed the other one. Oh yeah, they're apes.

The music really fit it too. I guess all works like this are music videos. They still have interesting stories to them. It's weird how he lives on the Moon. You'd think we'd discover them by now.

Okay, I seriously think this may be the best animation I have ever seen on this website. I think it's because I have no clue how you even did it! It looks like some kind of stop motion combined with flash. I am amazed that this is your first submission! Dude, if you make more stuff like this, you will become the best person on this freaking website! I loved every second!

The music was fantastic as well. Everything just moves so wonderfully together! I still have no idea what's even going on in this. I don't care, because it's freaking awesome! Every bit of animation look like it took years to make. You are a master of artwork, my friend!

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