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It's great to get a first look at a new and cool cartoon series! This has become quite popular. Whenever I think of talking food, I'm reminded of the Clock Crew. Your animation is, uh, better. Yeah, I just had to say that. I thought the bread guy looked like Conan O'Brien.

As I do watch an occasional crime show, I understand this more. I guess these guys know how to...take a bite out of crime. Wait, that doesn't really make sense. I thought the voices were good too. You really didn't know what was going to happen.

Yep, I knew that was Sam Kinison! You ever noticed how he kind of sounds like SpongeBob? I thought the animation was pretty good. It makes me glad it's January and the lawn doesn't need to be mowed. It wasn't one of your best flashes. That scream really did make it.

It's been awhile since I've heard those robotic voices. I kind of miss them. I knew he had not mowed the lawn. I don't know how he can get a bruise. You do need to make it longer with more jokes.

InsulinpumpClock responds:

Thanks for all your reviews man. I really need to respond to them all. Thanks. The lawn needs to be mowed again. Wait. No the leaves need to be raked. Uggh.

I like stories that feature the Stable Time Loop. He really was an a**hole! I could tell what was going to happen when he came back. I mean, who else would that other guy be? Of course, this raises a lot of questions in itself. I'm not going to go all scientific here.

I thought this was quite well done. RicePirate, you are on fire! And it's not just that you do voices, you produce whole cartoons! I appreciated how well drawn this was. He deserves to die.

I really loved this one. It did take awhile for the joke to get funny, but it made more sense at the credits. I honestly can't think of any character in the pokemon Universe who doesn't use them in some way. The animation was just fantastic with this. I loved how exaggerated everything was. Farts can be funny.

Any guy who was that fat probably would have no life. I love the voices too. While it's fairly short, it definitely gets its message through. Everything just moves so fluidly. Thank you for yet another great cartoon!

Well, I guess I liked this as much as most people. It's kind of sad that I don't remember the first one well enough. I was amazed something like this could even have a plot. It's weird to have a three part conclusion. It just seems that something with "Episode" in the title would have more than three. Of course, the artwork is fantastic.

While there isn't much story to understand, the action makes up for absolutely everything. It does look like it was drawn on sketchbook paper. That makes it all the more authentic looking. It's great to know you're still around giving us great stuff. Dang, those colors are good.

Not that familiar with the game, but are there really ghosts in it? I thought there was finally a game with no suprnatural stuff. I do love this, if only because of how well the joke is told. I admit that it is mostly just that one joke. In fact, I think the cartoon goes on a bit too long. It is worth it to see that stinger.

I'm really starting to recognize all the characters in this. I thougt it was just random people. I guess any flash series without numbered parts is going to look that way. The ghosts are drawn quite well. Seeing as how there's more than four, it is scary.

These are so awesome. I think the best part is how simple they are. I wish I had something like that. I did in fact used to play on a teeball team. Yeah, really every body did have a variant of that. I love your voice.

I don't recall us losing or winning any games. I knew this wasn't going to end well here. In fact, most of your stories don't, or at least not quite as you'd expect them to. That's a major disadvantage of being fat. Eh, screw trying to make this look better.

This was a good cartoon. The thing I did not understand about it was where it was really going. I have never heard of this "Attack On Titan". I imagine it's another anime. I thought you were going to go through various anime with this. I guess I'm being too whiney, because it is a well done cartoon.

The best thing is probably how good the animation is. That song (or rather parodies) never get old. It was nice to see parts of those fight scenes. It was, however, a bit too short. I think you could have had the full song, or was that the full song?

It had been awhile since I'd seen work from you guys. I seem to have forgotten your style, because this was unlike anything I've seen from you. It always helps to try something new. I really liked the animation in this. I just got the feeling it was really done in spirit. It's nice to see such a pleasant cartoon.

It's interesting to see the hope and sincerity put into this. I really like how it's devoted to someone. He must feel pretty good. The voices were really good too. I don't see why Markus is created as Original Creator when you both worked on this.

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