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Quite unexpected

I can not remember the last time I saw a flash cartoon that featured the Flash, so it was nice to see him. The animation in this was good, especially with how the Flash was drawn. I was at first thinking this was going to be a parody of FlashPlayer, but it was more of the iPhone. I have to admit that I was not expecting Steve Jobs to appear out of nowhere. It helps that the music is good and sounds like it was sang by Queen. While not one of the best, it still was something I would probably recommend.


I thought it was funny how his fuuu at the end sounded more like "Aaaaaah!". This is certainly different than anything you (Zeurel) have ever done before. It was a really cool experiment because it is executed in such a funny matter. I especially love him shaving his hair on and how he poops backwards (I imagine that would be most unpleasant). The animation is great as usual and I like it when the fish transforms. It would have been a little nicer if you had showed the effects after the fish was eaten.

Zeurel responds:

If i had time i would have but alas 18 days isn't enough to animate anything long without a serious amount of sleep deprevation

Here we go again!

I now obviously realize that releasing demo reels is something that you do annually by now at least. It was as great as ever to see all of the animations you have made. I have in fact seen every single one of these things, so I recognized them all. You have to be the only guy who actually uses FlashPlayer to animate YouTube Poop characters. Highlights included the lock fight, the Madness fight, and of course the music was flawless. It was cool to see some stuff by Weebl that is not even on this website.

Out of sync?

I would believe that something so short would be something that could sync easily. Anyway, I thought the animation was not bad, but the main problem is that nothing really happens. It seems more like something that would be used as part of a collab. I love Tom Fulp, and I guess he does have some depressing thoughts in his life. I kept trying to think that there was some deeper message to it, but I could just not figure it out. I am sure it was just intended to be something short and silly.

Not bad for a first try

I liked this one because it does make you wonder why flies go around and hit windows in the first place. When all else fails, be sure to make fun of the emos! My biggest complaint is that it is a little too short and the jokes could have been delievered a bit better. The animation is still really nice, especially with the CGI nuclear bomb sign. It was cool how you featured Pico and Salad Fingers on the cereal boxes or whatever they were. I was not able to understand the Vista punchline, though.

Manuel-Dangelo responds:

The nuclear sign is my simbol. I call it the "Radioactiva"
Pic-O-s are cereals and Salad Fingers are snaks
about Vista punchline. you have to use "windows Vista" to understand it. Is a lame words game feeded by the hate of anyone who have ever used it... seriously, It makes you wish to put your monitor through Bill Gates a** hole.

His legs are orange

When you see this at first, you think it is going to be something pretty amateurish with the animation. It seems too childlike at first, but it turns out to be something great deserving of its high score! It is one of the cutest flashes I have ever seen here. The voice is very enthuasatic and fits the theme of the song well. If a preschooler was a genius that preschooler would make something like this. Thank you for showing off a great example of how true childhood innocence can bring out the best in us.

A work of art

This is one you are one of the most well known and one of my favorite flash artists on this website. You have learned how to transcend above normal stick flashes that are full of silliness and violence and make something truly serious. There is even some great surrealism when the guy first gets the light in him. The action is great by itself but still more classy than most stick flashes. There is just so much detail in everything. It is the kind of story that would work just as well as a live-action movie.

Purty bad

I am getting used to the Kitty Krew logo being used so often, so I admit it is getting a little annoying. You get points for having such a cool gif to use as an infinite loop in your submission! That guy seriously looks cool and stupid at the same time with his hair over his face. I doubt I have ever voted "5" on anything you guys have submitted. How impressive with how so many people get credit for creating something that looks like it did not take much effort. Next time, be sure to use your members better.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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