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When I saw the first part of this, I knew it was going to be cool. I expected it to be like in Madness Combat. Dang, that series has just become so popular that's all people compare NG series to, isn't it? Anyway, it's nice to have such good animation. The ending is what made it worthwhile. I thought he was really going to die.

You pulled a twist that I did not see coming at all. I doubted those other guys would kill him. You came up with some unique enemies on the first 49 floors. I was expecting a bit more gore (again, like in MC) but this works too. The best part is, once more, the payoff at the end.

I didn't like this as much as most other people did. What I did appreciate was how good the animation was. I know virtually nothing about Dota 2. If I did, maybe I would have enjoyed it more. It's still pretty funny to see this guy become a human pincushion or whatever he is. You knew he was going to fail.

I think the channel showage at the end went on too long. I could see most of the first Dota 2 cartoon in this without audio! I like how you show some tutorials. I've seen all of what you and my other favorite artists have worked on. I doubt it'll ever come in useful, though.

I ended up being pretty impressed by this. It still seemed to be lacking that good of emotions. I didn't know whether it was supposed to be silly or not. Whatever, it's still a good cartoon. It's very nice to see all these fights. Abobo's voice is pretty funny. I don't really undertand if he's supposed to be human a rock guy like The Thing.

I liked how it kept changing backgrounds. It didn't make much sense, but was fun. It's interesting to have different pop culture icons in this. The fighting itself is well done. It's strange, but enjoyable.

It's hard to say anything about this. I was pretty intrigued as to what this was all about. It should have been put under the "Experimental" category. I didn't like it how you had just plain text on a background sometimes. It seemed more like it was an early Clock Crew submission. I think the good outweighed the bad.

Of course, a three out of five star rating still isn't one I would recommend. Most of the animation wasn't that good. I do have to give you credit for at least having some creativity. It worked pretty well as an experiment. Granted, I don't know much about your other works, so I can't compare.

Wow, that was one of the best Clock Day flashes I've seen in awhile. I honestly had yet to find any 2012 ones that I liked that much. I thought this was a collab because it certianly seemed like there were different styles. I guess that made it all the more impressive. You should have won an award of some kind. Okay, not a negative one.

You really do get a good sense of sincerity in these cartoons. They're not all dick jokes like other ones here. Of course, you could saw a lot of stuff on the Internet are those kinds of jokes. It looked like SBC was jumping in a Mario game. That seemed too high even for him.

Foxcato responds:

Thank you for you kind review. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie.
My objective was to stuff as much positive energy into this movie as I possibly could.

I animated the first bit several months before I started working on the main portion of the movie. Maybe that's why it seems the movie has different styles.

Dude, this is one of the most adorable cartoons I've ever seen! I just freaking love how it's so wonerful in every aspect. I think it's strongest point is how the characters are so freaking adorable. Bunny Foo Foo stands out as the best of course. I'm fairly certain that's her name. It really did turn out to be people dress as mice just as depicted.

You just have no idea what's going to happen next. The voice work is absolutely flawless! These accents are so freaking adorable! I live in Florida and I don't hear them that much. Maybe I'm just used to them. I'm glad we have people like you here.

Wow, I'm amazed at how good this managed to be without being long. In fact, it's one of the shortest I've reviewed in a long time. It doesn't matter, because it's so well done. I think the best thing about it is how people can just associate with it so well. We all wish we could do this. The voices, or voice, is great.

I love the papercut joke. I currently has roughly $8400 in total money. I was expecting the screen to pan out to someone watching it, as again, it seemed too small. It still doesn't matter. In this economy, we all need something like this.

I think you may have gone further withthis, but it's still really cool to watch. I think it's mostly because you do a good job of capturing our emotions. This was what a lot of people felt at the time. That was also probably what Tom felt at the time. No, not the literal seizure. It certainly seems longer than one year that this has been going on.

The simplistic animation worked. In fact, it was probably what really made this a satire. I'm not sure if that was intentional. I have become so used to this you could have probably put the older design here for nostalgia. I still love this site for whatever it is.

Okay, this didn't seem to have anything going on at all. I am not a guy who's a fan of experiments on this website. It's just the same image of Godzilla jumping around over and over. I like it when people try new things, but this didn't have much going for me. It's too bad you have such a negative image of yourself.

You should leave the experimenting to your own website. I didn't see any shading or shadows in this at all. You need to have more going on. The best thing was probably how you got his roar down. Even that gets annoying after awhile.

Wow, this is one of the longest Clock flashes I've ever seen! It lasts at a whopping 21 minutes. You guys should have released this with the first part and make the longest flash on the website! I appreciate the many different styles of approaches used in this. There were so many, I don't remember a favorite. I can't believe I somehow missed this when it first came to the Portal.

I liked the way you selected scenes. It was pretty hard to keep up with everything. The best part was probably how you got to see StrawberryClock's parents. I mean, he appears so often you should at least see them once. I remember the disco aliens.

BoltClock responds:

We did release both parts (separately, due to size limitations at the time) but the first part was among those purged for using copyrighted audio :(

(This new co-author review response feature is amazeballs)

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