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Normally, I wouldn't like something that loops like this, but this is an exception. It might be because it's great to hear the clocks with different voices. It makes you wonder, how do they tell each other's voices with the synthesizer if they're all the same? I also thought the animation was pretty good. This was, in my opinion, one of the best Clock Day 2011 submissions. I like how the Flintstones song is being played.

It doesn't have to do with anything, but I always love background music. It helps that the final joke works so well. It seems like it took forever to put every detail in this. I always appreicate it when people put work into their flashes. You should have won some award.

I didn't know what to expect from this. I'm fairly glad it turned out to be something really cool! The thing I liked most about it was how heartwarming it was. Yes, it did get kind of creepy to the end, but it obviously shows you have respect for the guy. Then again, you did call him a "super villian" in the author comments. I hope you had a great time with him, if you really did.

It also helps that the music and animation is really nice. I just like the subtley you put in this. I wish I had ice cream cones and pizza thrown at my mouth. It even works out with how he isn't dead in the end. I'm glad you weren't at least uh, humping him.

I thought this was very well animated. I think this is the first full video I've seen that's in this hot dog eating series. I have no idea where it started or what it means. I still appreciate this for being creative. It was interesting to see exactly how he was going to eat that thing. It's weird, because I've seen preview images for this sort of thing but never actually saw one myself.

Thank you for introducing me to this. Optimus Prime looks so good, I wish you would make an action Transformers submission. The sounds are nice too. This is decent for a really quick flash. The background's not bad either.

I was not expecting the animation to be so dang good in this! I think what makes it so good is how you have all this great artwork ending up with a great joke. That one enemy seemed to change colors. I guess that may have been the joke. I was a bit disappointed only two of them appeared in this. It's still worth watching.

Something as simple as Pac-Man doesn't need to be long. It works so well for what it is. The voices are great too. I could have sworn I heard someone sounding like LittleKuriboh in there. I guess it's just that that's guy everywhere nowadays.

Okay, now THAT is freaking awesome. It's amazing, because at first, you think it's going to be the little black kid that's the hoarder. He certainly seems odd enough to be one. When you just show Oak over and over, you know that something pretty disturbing is going to happen. I thought you were just going to show the Bulbasaur being euthanized. It turned out to be MUCH worse than even that.

I'm glad you didn't use just one pokemon species. Instead, there was practically this entire world of rejected pokemon. The most deranged bit was probably was the Pokemon Caterpie. Wait, isn't Caterpie already a pokemon? The haunting music made it all the more deranged. It's weird for something to win Underdog of the Week and Daily Feature.

Mosamabindrawin responds:

Yea i originally thought of just having a bunch of bulbasaur but I thought it would be more interesting this way, thankyou for the feedback!

Ah, I was disappointed to find out this was not an infinite loop. I guess I just am reminded of Weebl too much with these cartoons. This is, of course, pretty awesome in its own right. I think my favorite part would be how you chose a space walrus. Usually when you think of marine mammals in space, you think of whales. Not you, you used a walrus.

It was cool to hear all about geometry and stuff in the beginning. Someone well educated is always fun in a song. I also like how sincere everything looks. The voice is particularly well done. It has a good sense of sincerity.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

speaking of education, the song was originally going to be space rhombus but then i realised that a rhombus was a different shape to what i thought it was.

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