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I thought this was a better recent flash you guys worked on than your previous one. It's nice to see what kind of new stuff you can make when it's topical. Granted, it's not really topical anymore, but you get the idea. I thought the animation was pretty good in this. It's been awhile since I've seen a live-action face with cartoon features. I've always found that to be a funny thing and it's done fairly well here.

I guess I'm just not a fan of these kinds of remixes anymore. It's still good, because you have little idea what's going to happen next. I think the best part of this was probably when he suddenly went into Mario world. That place is so crazy you'd have to be on drugs to be there. His voice sounds strange in this.

This is another great part in the series because of how realistic it is. Okay, some of the stuff is unrealistic with those weird guys he hangs out with, but still great. Again, anyone can associate themselves with this. If you haven't, then you're the luckiest person on Earth. You really do take us through the trails and tribulations most people go through. It's funny to see him watch Spongebob.

Of course, I don't live on my own yet, so I don't truly know what it's going to be like. In terms of not having a job, I guess things are going to be better. I appreicate you also listing the positive things this guy has in his life. That would be a weird thing to celebrate. I assume you went through similar stuff yourself.

I thought this was the best thing you ever did! I am amazed by the fact that you didn't win a single award or anything for this masterpiece! I guess I only like it now so much because I've gone through the process of looking everywhere for a job. I am glad to say that I finally got one. I wasn't expecting boobs to appear in this, but it was a nice surprise. I have never had the luck to get unemployment checks.

This is probably because I live with my parents. I can really associate myself with this guy. The animation isn't great, but it works well for what it is. At least I can always come to this website to access great cartoons like this. You deserve all the fame you've gotten elsewhere. Too bad you haven't made more.

This is another really good Halloween entry. It was freaking cool to see where he was going to end up next in terms of his dreams. I didn't even know if it was a dream at first or if he was just insane or something. I guess it takes a lot of failures before getting something right. The cheesy animation is as satisfying as ever. I do wish it could have had some better jokes. At least it was freaking unpredictable.

I appreciate you submitting your stuff here even if you never got a lot of recognition for it. It's interesting to see all different kinds of stuff here. I really like the voice and think it fits him so well. It's cool to see orange spiders, my favorite color. This must have been some Halloween for you.

This is a great cartoon and I have no idea why this has so few views. From what I've heard, you're one of the most popular animators on the Internet! I guess some websites aren't for all people. I appreciate how you keep up the cheesy animation. Whenever there's color in it, it always stands out. I love how you touch on so many cliches with him talking about the house being on Indian burial ground and stuff. My only complaint is that it seems to go on a bit too long.

Of course, I didn't start with these cartoons on your website or anything. I guess the numbered parts represent numerous years. I loved how the guy with the job offer was the scariest of all to Todd. While the animation isn't that good, it actually does have some fine details. I love all the audio bits from horror movies.

I was very impressed by this submission! It's not often you see a lot of stop motion stuff here. It makes me glad that there are always people who are going to experiment with different kinds of styles. The best part was probably how you used different everyday objects to tell the story. It's just nice when there's a lot going on in a way that everyone can associate themselves with. The music is great too.

I never had the chance to play the Mega Man games when I was younger, so I'm glad to be introduced to it. I liked how Mega Man himself was a piece of paper and the obstacles were more solid. I can't say anything about improving on colors because it was just using real life objects. It's been awhile since I've heard him being referred to as "Rockman". Congradulations on maintaining this high score.

It's interesting to see all kinds of stuff you can work on. This was weird, because it had a lot of dialogue. I don't know if that's actual audio you used, but it probably is. Anyway, I actually used to have somewhat of a problem myself only now he just bites me, so I highly doubt he's trying to give me a high five. We had him declawed. I really just love cats too much to replace him with a dog.

The animation was really good too. I liked how everything seemed to be moving so fast and how there were rarely repeating movements. The live-action clips were also pretty cool. It's a weird little submission, but it's nice. I appreciate how it made more sense than some other weird stuff I've seen.

captainmcross responds:

Yep, it's real people calling in and asking questions.

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