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This was a really great cartoon and it worked because it was so emotional. The animation is still pretty high in terms of quality. I am glad you included a synopsis in the author comments. It certainly didn't make a lot of sense to me at first, but that's never stopped me from liking something before. I like how you really try to appeal to our place in the Universe and not just how science works. I think the stuff the scientist draws on the chalkboard are actual scientific equations.

Of course, I doubt they're about time travel. The music was just gorgeous in this. It's something like this that makes you realize you don't need to have dialogue because the music gives you all you need. It's an interesting and profound cartoon and it's great you're getting recognized for it. Hard to believe it took only a week to make!

I thought this was good, but not good to the point where it has this high rating. What's good about this is how there are so many art styles. I wish there could have been more! This is a pretty nicely done cartoon, because you did little snippets of art shift here and there. The music was pretty good too. I must have gotten into some glitch because I kept hearing this commercial the first time I played it.

It worked fine when I refreshed it, of course. I like how everyone's a good sport in this. It probably doesn't make it any less painful for the players, though. I could see the fist on your face joke coming from a mile away. Good enough to recommend to stick fans.

guitan11 responds:

thanks for the review. if you think that this one is good, check out the other ones! and please do recommend to stick fans ;)

I like how you creep us out by mentioning the mysterious stranger in the author comments. What I really liked about this was the animation as usual. You will simply never stop making amazing flashes like this. I felt this could have been wackier, though. I had no idea that drugs could make you literally travel back in time. Wouldn't your dad realize you have a son that looked just like the guy who raped you?

You'd probably be so confused you wouldn't figure it out. I believe that some kinds of drugs can help you. When you take them with other drugs, you never know what's going to happen. It's too bad you're a bit late for 420, as I noticed the clock. Good ol' marijuana.

This was another good entry in this series. It took me two refreshes to get it to work properly. I think there's some new kind of layout that this website is using that I'm having trouble getting used to. Anyway, the animation is great as always. I love how utterly stupid these guys are. I knew that they were going to like what they heard, even if it was a fart.

That has to be some kind of weird fetish to get off to that. The voicework is as good as ever. I appreciate you always coming up with new ways to mock the industry. I haven't played those games, so I'm not familiar with it. That does sound like a sound effect from a game like that.

I had trouble with this so I'm glad you gave me instructions on how to just restart the page. This was a fantastic cartoon. In fact, I think it might even be the best animated CGI cartoon I've ever seen on this website! This is the kind of stuff you would expect to see in a film festival. The fact that you honored us by showing it here is fantastic. The fact that there's no dialogue gives the characters more depth.

I was expecting him to get a kiss at the end. I like how he's sort of presented as more of a bumbling criminal who does the right thing in the end. The way the action is shown is of course completely flawless. It makes you wonder if most submissions are going to be CGI, like how most animated movies are nowadays. It isn't too flashy, it's just a great story being told. You deserve this high score.

You don't have to worry about something being live-action, because it's been on this website before. The most noted example is of course the "Numa Numa Dance" thing. Wow, just wow. It's hard for me to even think of what to say to describe this. I thought it was going to be some weird porn thing with how it started. I am glad it wasn't. I didn't even understand the final punchline with how he was peeing on you.

I am so confused as to what this was even supposed to be about. At least it's something original, I'll give you credit for that. It just makes no sense whatsoever. Well, I guess it shows that you really can experiment with anything, so this was an interesting thing for you guys to do. I just don't think it turned out too well.

Well, it seems like this was a pretty nice cartoon for you to make. I just didn't like it how it was so short and not a lot happened. Of course, you don't need to have that for a good cartoon. I really know nothing about tarot cards, but I think it's interesting that this came by you from a school project. Some great stuff from this website has come from school projects. The animation is pretty good.

I just like how this has a good homey feeling. It doesn't try to be too flashy or elaborate or anything. It's just a short simple little cartoon about a crab trying to interact with his world. I found myself rooting for him a bit. The sound effects are pretty good. I like the omnious music too.

I couldn't really understand the appeal of this. Okay, I could understand the fact that it had some really cool animation in it, but not much else. Try to have more of a joke. This seemed to be nothing more than some guy getting his head knocked out by another guy. At least the voices were really good. I guess I have to give you credit for creating something out of the ordinary.

It's sad that such great animation isn't played off very well. I would love to see better ideas appearing from this. It's always good to experiment with different styles. It was just too short to recommend. At least it's not the worst thing you guys have done, I guess.

I was really interested in how cool this was. I remembered the tsunami of last year and then I understood why some people didn't like it. Of course, we do stuff like this all the time here on Newgrounds or the Internet in general. While it did seem like a bit of a cheap shot, it's still a nicely done cartoon. It's mostly because you show off all those awesome Japanese memes. Japan is probably the #2 source of memes on the Internet, with the USA at #1 and the UK at #3.

Trust me, I know my memes. I love how the animation is as insane and fantastic as ever. It's hard to even understand what any of this even means at all. It looks like God was presiding over other religions at first, but I still didn't understand it. It doesn't need to be understood, because it's great.

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