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Good again!

I swear I will never stop misunderstanding the title screen. I keep thinking that I am playing an actual game because of it. Even by the fifth entry, I have not figured that out! Although that could be more of the fact that it's just been a long time since the last episode was made. I like it how you put real phsycial depth into the characters even though it's a 2D submission. Of course, I haven't played the game myself to know how it goes.

I really only saw the occasional joke in this and didn't see why it was labeled a comedy. It's certainly decent as any other movie kind. The voices are nice and fit the moods well. It seems like this is something that deserves its own series section. It's always nice when people consistently make such good movies.

Alright for what it is

What I found to be weird about this was pretty much everything. It was quite strange how you kept on just pressing the buttons to see the next image. I have seen a lot of optical illusions before. This just didn't seem like anything that was that impressive. I could probably search all day to figure out how to get any of the secret medals. It also feels like there could have been more detail put into the boards themselves.

The music isn't bad, and its weirdness seems to go well with this. It's just that there's so little rhyme or reason it's hard to enjoy. You also might want to work on having more of a background too. It didn't make me that dizzy, I guess it's just because I've seen worse things. All in all, it doesn't have that much that's good or bad about it.

That was unique

I was expecting something really dark or scary to happen, but it never really did. At least you continued to use the fantastic style of animation you are known for. I am familiar with your work and this didn't make sense to me. I guess it was probably supposed to be creating drama, but it was hard to tell. It kind of reminded me of "The Black Swan" one of the best thrillers that I've ever seen. The spookiest part was when the audience appeared as monsters.

I'm sure we have all gone through something like this when having to appear on stage. I entered a talent show once and won second place. I haven't known you to ever have stick fights in any of your submissions. Maybe we can all learn somewhat of a lesson from this. It's just so nice to look back at all the great stuff you have made.


What struck me as particularly entertaining about this was how well it moved. This doesn't seem like it would fit on this website, but this site needs all the stuff it can get. I guess it's just that the background seems way too grainy. I'm not even sure what I mean in that context. The coolest thing is how wonderfully fast paced it is and there are always more jokes going on. My favorite part was when he shunned his old penis away.

It's hilarious how the penis is treated as a seperate entity in this. It's cool to see something based off a comic, even if it wasn't a webcomic. I just love how all the elements seem to be moving around so much. It's weird how there's no "Start" button, but there is a "Replay" button. The voices are great and show good emphasis.

That was so sweet

When I see something "Experimental" I normally think it doesn't have a plot. This actually did seem to have a plot. Of course, it was so weird with how it told its story, you knew it was different. It's great that people use such great visual metaphors to tell us how life goes. I could really feel for the main character in this. I don't know his name or anything, but he comes across as an emotional being. The music is fantastic as it gives off such a sweet melody.

There's the wonderful impression that you were trying to tell us what life is like. We should all know that my now. I didn't see so much good or evil in this, more of bullying and innocence. I used to play the piano and it truly touched me how well I was able to connect with the music. Thank you for making something so good.

You're popular!

Dude, I don't know how you did it, but this somehow got into the Top 10 highest rated of all time! It was a fairly old flash for that matter! For however you did this, I think its strongest point was probably how the animation was so good. It's great to have stuff like this that harkens back to our childhoods. I admit that I wasn't expecting that ending with all the birds. I hope you got as good a grade in art class as you did here!

I'm guessing "Spirds" was supposed to be the names of the animals that appeared in this? You might want to also have a "Replay" button. The music was pretty good and it gave off a pretty good sense of fulfillness. I can't make many suggestions, because it was just something you did for class. It could have used a better punchline.

RobThanatos responds:

Top 10? I don't understand...

This was odd

That was a very strange parody, even for this website. I think its strongest point was probably how good the animation was. It makes you realize how goofy the character's names are. I think they are all in fact named after vegetables or food of some kind. Of course, it's weird that would be like that because they seem to be all based on English names. I recommend this to anyone who's a fan of yours, as it's one of your zaniest.

It's especially cool to see the art shifts so well done. You get so many different goofy depictions of these characters. I thought the voices were also spot on. There was just so much going on and it was so nonsensical you couldn't help but be entertained by it and stuff. I guess sooner or later someone as popular as you would make a Dragonball Z parody.

Fairly strange

I thought this was a game at first. I guess I should have been tipped off it wasn't one by how it was listed as an episode. Then again, I think I have played games that were like that. Now, I wasn't that entertained by this cartoon mostly because it was just too talky. I mean, with the voices you did use it was pretty good. It's just that everything was low resolution, which I can't blame you for, because the name shows it's supposed to be like that.

This reminds me of that Tenacious D movie. I suggest you try to have more steady moving animation in this. I actually thought the work wasn't that bad in terms of graphics and I couldn't tell it was from 2001. Then again, it's not really something detailed to begin with. Well, you have a good fanbase but could use some action scenes.

Strange again!

Boy, I am just getting out the weirdest submissions to review today! The most odd thing about this was probably how I didn't even know it was going to be a cartoon. The title made it seem like it was a game. I guess there have just been too many rockstar games made. The weirdest thing was that I didn't know what the guy was going to do. At first, I thought he was going to kill Santa as it looked like he was stabbing him.

It seemed weird he would do that because he had a flashback about how Santa gave him a good present. It's just amazing how absurd this was. I think the most awesome part was when Santa emerged from the rubble looking awesome. The animation was good, especially when it showed his skeleton. Merry Christmas, friend!

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