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Experimental indeed

The thing I found weird was that I was wondering was this wasn't an audio submission. Unless of course, these sounds are random and can't be contained. If so, then I tip my hat to you for making something interesting. As most experimental flashes go, it does great for what it's supposed to be. For people who want plot, well, this isn't the kind of submission you're going to want to see. This is probably the first time I got something that the creator said wasn't a movie or game.

There could have been some more music, but it's hard to critique this. It's like watching a video of a guy eating a burger for three minutes. I guess I can give you credit on it being unpredictable, or at least I think it was. It probably is worth checking out, simply because of how ridiculous it is. The colors, what little there are, are nicely done with shades.

How'd you do it?

Congradulations on doing the Clock Crew good with this! I really can not say that it's good or bad, because it only has one thing in it that's appealing. I know nothing about how to write in Arabic. It's actually a fairly commonly used language, so I have seen it several times. The best thing about this is that it doesn't have anything bad in it. This is mostly because it really doesn't much except that one word.

I can't dislike this because you wanted to pay tribute to StrawberryClock. The Ed Wood of flash movies should get his respects. I can't really suggest for you to improve, because there is simply no way that you would want to. It looks like you had a good Clock Day from the high ratings this managed to get. It's been awhile since I've seen something from Clock Day 2006.

ArabFreak responds:


How, uh, ballsy

I'm so glad that I'm beginning to recognize Omahdon's voice. It's amazing how you guys have all become so prolific. It's been awhile since I watched the other episode, so it's nice to see how this series goes along. I think the only thing I didn't like was the animation, which needs work. I still felt for the characters, especially that catgirl. It must be nice to be in a relationship where you openly use BDSM or whatever.

Wait, if it was all a scam, then how come it worked on his balls? Whatever the reason, it's a fairly funny cartoon. It's weird how he was able to put the shampoo on his balls while still wearing pants. It was overall fairly random and unpredictable. Thank you for making it so that guy with the annoying voice was only there briefly.

Lots of good stuff

I just realized how funny it was how you called the final contributor in this "Endo". This was certainly a lot bigger than I thought it would be. It's too bad that all of the authors for this were not credited on the sides of the submission. This is still a great piece, particularly with how you do not know what to expect. I think its strongest point was probably how everyone did use a similar theme. It showed how we all use similar ideas differently.

You were the only person I seemed to recognize there. Some were better than others, and I think my favorite was probably the last one, again with Endo. It does my heart good to know you will simply never stop making these awesome flashes. Even the title screen is awesome, with how the parts shine. You might want to have a "Play All" option, though.

How strange

I don't even know if I've ever reviewed something from you, InsulinpumpClock. I have to say that you have one of the most unique clock designs I've ever seen! You really seem to be going beyond the norm with this. That being said, it really wasn't that great, but it still had some good twists for what it was worth. My favorite bit was probably seeing your design, as previously mentioned. It's amazing you have worked on over 32 of these entries!

I would have to say I prefer your Pube Muppet submissions more. It's still nice to experiment. I remember that fat guy from "DuckTales". Jokes about fat people becoming diabetics are actually rather funny to me. Call me crude, but you see so many people acting like morons with the food, you realize they have to be careful with it.

InsulinpumpClock responds:

Your icon looks familiar. You probably have reviewed one of my movies before.

Sigh. Ok this is going to take a while to explain.

I am Insulinpump. I am also Dekathos. I co authored myself so all my movies would show up in one account and Dekathos gets more attention ( i assume because it's older and has more movies).

I can't post on the frontpage with Insulin either.

So if you reviewed anything authored by Dekathos you reviewed my movies.

Sasucule is my brother. If he does voices or writing or anything he gets coauthored. He actually drew Doofus years ago which is the "fat guy" when I made Ducktales stuff. He voiced Doofus. I voiced Launchpad.

I have not actually worked on 32 of these. I made 5 and worked with sherclock on #16. Sherclock started it and he has made the most. Romancollar has made 3. We coauthor Sherclock. So all of these will be in his account.

Even chris the stick2 has made one! I wouldn't want people to think that I am the only one. Anyone can make one if they want. Obviously I would love that.

I agree the design is weird and I think it's hilarious. I love the character's dead pan expression. Sherclock designed it like that for this particular series.

My original design when I made clock movies was a little more conservative. I actually left the clock crew. But I guess it's hard to tell huh? I really don't want these to be associated with clock crew, at least the ones I make, but it's a bit impossible to escape that because of it's origins. Like I said to someone else, hey Insulin doesn't have a clock in these so does it really count?

I just want to make some stuff once in a while that are easy and don't drive me nuts. Did you know my pube muppet flash actually took more effort? Well I'll never make another one of those again ever. I'm glad you appreciated them though. I think they were very tongue in cheek. Thanks for leaving a considerate review and taking me on a trip down memory lane. I don't think I've left a response this lengthy in a long time.

Oh and yeah and I do like to poke fun at obesity. I am a diabetic but I am girlishly skinny. So do I still get "joke Immunity"?

How bizarre!

This was one deranged cartoon. It really helps that the animation moves so wonderful and fantastically fluid the entire time! I would have to say my favorite part is when the sherieff's head falls off and then he gets a new one. So is the other guy now in control of the sherieff's body? I don't know, it's too weird to understand fully. I can see why Luis loves this cartoon so much as there is always something going on.

I thought at first he was going to pick out his head but it was just a fish. The same thing happened the second time. It really turned out well for the third line to be the payoff. The voices are great in this too. The best bit of artwork was probably when he was punching the fish and he was suddenly making dozens of himself!

Eh, not a fan

This definitley had its funny moments, but I am just not really a fan of yours. I think it's just that the animation looks pretty crude by modern standards. I do admit that some of the character designs are pretty good. The funniest bit was probably when Klunk mentioned that the narrator's dick was two sizes too small. I just didn't get an appeal for most of the characters here. The other two guys just seemed like they were making crude humor for the sake of crude humor.

That's something I can't stand in a cartoon. It's just that in this submission it just seemed too forced and it wasn't trying to make that much of a joke. I guess we can't all like everything that most people like. It's cool how this was one of your earlier submissions, yet it won three awards! You have significance, it's just not in my tastes.

It's been awhile

It's stuff like this that makes me glad Bush is no longer President. Most of it was fairly well done, but I didn't like it how there wasn't a lot going on. It's just that even in mundane flashes, I expect the artwork to be better. He just didn't seem well defined in this. I imagine he probably did say something like this with all he had. It makes me glad that we have captured and killed Osama bin Laden now. The funniest part was probably when he pulled out his "Presidency For Dummies" book.

They make so many of those they're bound to have one of these. You could have also been better with the voice acting, as there didn't seem to be much emotion in it. Overall, it's not bad, just needs to have more unique qualities. You could have defined his facial features more, especially his eyes. There were a lot of these parodies around, huh?

That was freaky!

Wow, this is a great submission because of how sweet the animation was! It was kind of like Cuboy, only even better. I especially love how there are just so many things going on. The only problem is that it really is pretty hard to keep up with the fast lyrics! At least some of them are written onscreen. It's just great to see how well dimensioned these characters look in this. Every person seems to be protruding from the scene itself.

It just goes to show how much variety you can use. I'm not going to say it was related to Christmas because it had toys in it. It works great as a satire, which kind of makes me glad that I am beyond the age of buying toys. Hopefully, we will all grow up soon enough. The voice acting was great, particularly with how it seemed to echo.

vakavadesigns responds:

Hey thanks. It's good to get feedback from someone who's made so many reviews :) Man, the style's kind of hard to get used to. It's very geometric and would be easily left that way, but I tried to add some flexibility and motion in the movements. Next time I'll do better, although I can't imagine when I'll have time for a new one.

Hopefully the visuals help explain the lyrics and vice-versa. I'll try to put the lyrics up soon. I agree, it's not specifically about X-mas, but it fits very well as far as timing. It contrasts well with the "buy buy buy" b.s. that we're hammered with at this time of the year.

Lead and mercury, man, crazy stuff. It dulls the mind and can even make people act insane if the contamination goes too far. If it acted fast like in the animation, I think a lot more people would be aware of it.

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