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Nice again!

It is great to see the great animation and character styles, especially in this "Pokemon" parody. The funniest part was probably about Pitochu biting his owner in the testicles or the rival being named "Vagina". I think this is the longest entry in this series. It really knows how to place emphasis in the voices, especially the mother's. I swear the day will come when I know not to try to press "Start" when the screen tells you to. You are breaking new ground in your series with more of a story.

Very impressive idea!

I was impressed at how well the live-action stuff flowed, as I did not even know it was going to be live-action at first! The moves performed by your friends were very authentic to the feel of "Mortal Kombat". At first, I thought that guy was actually being called a "noob" but then I remember that's his real name! The actors really put a lot of hard work into this. I think my favorite part would be the beginning when it showed everybody you could play as. Not to mention it has a really unexpected beginning where it's like the game plays for you.

DiegoNOX responds:

I was the Reptile... really is hard work to act this... the green detail was always falling, this made us to record again!

Thank you for support


How cute

I really enjoyed the animation in this one, in that even though there was not a background, everything was animated well. I also think that the voices and designs are very authentic as to what Zelda and Link sound like. I have not researched "The Legend Of Zelda" that much, so I would not understand the Midna joke. Anyway, it was cool to see all those games in the same place. I can understand why Link did not mention the dreaded CD-i games. This was good for a brief bit of fun.

The best in the series

This is the greatest in this really funny series that is a good spin off from "College University". I kind of thought this seemed to take over the "College University" series, as you make a lot of stuff besides this. The authentic paper background and the crude drawings are very imrpessive. I think this illustrates Karl's stupidity more than any other cartoon. He thinks the guy is his enemy even though he clearly says that he does not. Karl looks funny with his stupid mustache and idiocy.

It was not the worst

For something that was your first try, this was really not a terrible flash to watch. I was reminded of the "Epic Beard Man" meme that's been going around recently. I did think the funniest part was when the character called the fat woman an "animal cracker". Now, the weakest part of this is obviously the animation. You need to improve on your techniques, which is obvious considering that this was in fact your first flash. I also appreciate how you seem to have a lot of characters who do funny things.

Great stuff

I was eager to find out you were making flash that was brand new in every aspect. I did look on to your website and see more of this stuff, but this animation really reminded me of that one Zelda cartoon. In fact, you probably did work on that and this is an alternate account. Anyway, the voicing was just perfect in this one, seeing as how there were not that many voices at all. I like how you could see the static on the character's body and the background. There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding this.

WHOOKOS responds:

You're right. I did in fact make that Zelda cartoon before its giant delay.

Here we go again

As a big fan of "Madness Combat" from the start, I am glad to be reviewing the first one I would give a "5" to. The animation is great even in its simplicity as it managed to put a new style on to itself. I think this is the only one we will ever see that has Tricky, Jebus, and Hank all die in it. As for the Sherieff, it is weird to see a character actually get killed off for real. The Improbability Drive was also great to introduce, especially with how it never gets turned off until later on. I also love the kills, music, and everything else about this.

Simply fantastic

While I may not read the webcomic, this was still one of the greatest underrated flashes submitted to Newgrounds. I first saw it years ago, and realized how deeply it touched me. It does not matter that there is not a lot of sound or anything. What matters is that you send us a truly powerful message that any religious person can relate to. We as humans have done so many bad things in this world, but we have also done so many good things. What matters is how we choose to look at it and change ourselves.

Very nice

I really liked how cute it looked in the beginning when they were actually watching the loading screen load. It helps that the animation used in this is simply flawless. It seems to be exactly what you would look for in a top-notch anime tribute here on Newgrounds. As it is just a trailer, it is difficult to give it a proper judging. I can at least say that it looks fantastic and it should make a very decent series. All of the characters seem to have depth to them even when their personalities are explored in such a short time.

It looks great

I am quite glad to be introduced to a new series, especially on the day I got User Of The Day award! Anyway, besides my bragging, this looks like the beginning of a great series. This does not in any way try to be flashy with a lot of crazy stuff going on. It is just an interesting slice of life story that tries its hardest to just show what normal life is like. There are lots of funny moments, especially at the end. You have made something that a lot of people can relate to that is just joyous to watch with its good animation.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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