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Short, but sweet

I remember first seeing this long ago and remembering how cool it was. I am starting to wonder why you always say "LMNOP" so long in that song (hey, it rhymes!). Anyway, the animation was good in this one and I actually did not see that coming. The main problem is that it is a little too short, but at least the singing guy has a funny and childish design. As I know much more about the Internet now, I could probably expect this coming more. You sure know how to make a voice change.

Great stuff

What better way to celebrate the first Halloween after the September 11th attacks? Initially, I thought this was going to be about costumes but I think it is funnier your way anyway. The animation is fairly good, and I love the idea of giant candy just falling from the sky. The best part might have been the end where the jack-o-lantern topped it all off. I would so wish that giant pieces of candy would rain on me in some way. The audio is also good and I like the little screaming voices of the terrorists.


I was hoping this was going to be a parody of 3-D as that was in the title after all. Nonetheless, this still worked out just fine in all of its goofiness and randomness. I think you were trying to incorporate themes of both the games and the anime. I liked how the Metapod showed a recursive image and it was funny to see Charmander Tail Whip it. What better way to end something then by just blowing everything up? I can kind of tell that this is an older flash as the quality does not look that great.

Is that all?

I was thinking there would be some more zany stuff going on instead of just something so brief. The coolest part was probably seeing the DVDs on the preview page. The cat featured in this was pretty well done, but I could not understand what he was saying. I would like to inform you that Egoraptor has favorited this cartoon! BTW, when I try to click the DVDs to watch the episodes, nothing happens. At least this managed to have a definite beginning and end to it all.

What a brawl!

As the "Brawl Taunts" movies are awesome, I could have imagined a worse way to make fun of them. The best drawn thing was the icon at the "Play" screen. I just wish you could have had some more awesome stuff like that in the actual cartoon! I guess it is funny to see people at least acknowledge Chris and Kira for their work. Those are real pictures in case anybody is wondering, and it seemed to go n a bit too long. The most annoying thing how everybody moved in those white boxes.

You are crazy

I think this is one of your weaker submissions, because it does not really seem to suit the character that well. It seems like anyone could scream and be in those actions. It was still pretty funny as the animation is good, especially with how much better Trunks looks than the other characters and backgrounds. It was cute to see him so happy playing video games. It was certainly a good idea to include several segments, as a single would not be enough. The funniest was probably the first.

Anti-humor at its best

It definitley takes all kinds to make a world as evidenced by yet another bizarre flash submitted. The best part is, again, the animation and it is too bad there are only a few frames total. The voice work was good as the voices seemed to really suit the characters. I can not like it that much because I do not understand what it is supposed to be about at all. I guess it might have worked better if it was something for Clock Day. It is hard to sympathize with characters you know so little about.


I would think he would like watermelon given that he popped out of a fruit that was none other than a watermelon. It was weird how the movie paused to repeat itself. The best part is how well everything is drawn. I seriously think that this is animation that just be dished out by someone like Tom Fulp or MindChamber. I guess that coming up with a racist Dutch farmer as a character was a pretty original idea. I guess I would consider it more surreal if only some more things happened and it was longer.

That fox

I could have seen this becoming the next internet meme, but I guess it never really took off. I think it takes off on the idea of animals starting at people for no reason or just looking silly. The animation was good, because you manage to show off action with only a few frames. If that is a real picture of a tibetan fox, I could see it becoming a meme given it time. I guess I have been here too long as I was expecting some disgusting thing to happen. Who would invite a Tibetan fox over is a good question.

Fairly well done

The best part was probably when you referenced "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" by ripping them off. The cutaway scene with the clown was a good way to mock FG. The animation was alright, but that was probably not the point here anyway. I appreciated how you spent so much time making fun of yourself. You do need a black guy not to look racist and a fat guy because fat guys are funny. It could have used some more jokes, but the overall low quality of it was intentional and self-depredating.

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