Looks GREAT!
I don't know what the finished product is going to be like, but this art piece is FLAWLESS! It kind of reminds me of the stuff by Kol-Belov for some reason. Don't worry, this is fantastic in its own right. The creatures down below kind of look like the monster Jinzo from "Yu-Gi-Oh". Of course, that franchise could only hope to be as awesome as this! Upon closer inspection, I don't think two of these creatures in the entire picture are alike!
I can't even tell who to root for, all I know is that it's awesome to look at! Even the background is great, putting up a good realistic cloudy night theme. These guys look too grown up to even be called children! I have no idea what's going on, but everything is completeley awesome in the best ways imaginable! Every crease and scar on the creatures' bodies is wonderfully done. I am glad to be introduced to your art style!