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I could not understand how to fully play this game. I mashed the buttons, but I instantly ran out of energy. I notice my laptop is slow. Is this something with how the website was down today? Is that it? I thought the graphics weren't bad.

I'm not sure if there was any difference between the runners. It would be racist if they were different! The sounds were nice. It was just too aggravating. Well, other people might like it.

Hmm, I actually ending up enjoying this. It was more interesting than what I thought. The best part was probably how you could go back and change things. It's a game you just learned how to play as it went along. At first, I couldn't understand how to play it. I thought you only had thirty moves.

I was so relieved when you could beat the level with more! Maybe this is a bit too easy. It was at least worth for me to look at. I like most of your games. You should probably work to make them more complicated and unique, though.

I believe I am getting better at these games! I truly appreciate how I can figure out more things on my own. I had to use the walkthrough for the first medal I got, though. Anyway, you just look under the bonzai tree for the key. Hey, that rhymes! You get through the door with the piranhas.

I wasn't quite able to understand the patterns at first. It was fan and yin yang symbol top, forked cross and fan on the right, yin yang symbol and cross on the bottom and cross and forked cross on the left. You put those in from left to right and top to bottom. You take the sword out and cut the plank. I figured that last one out myself!

This just seemed kind of average. There was nothing really of note in this. Are these real photographs? If so, I do like that. It has however, been done by you before. It was pretty easy to understand. You should put in more sound.

I'm glad it was easy enough for me to get in. Yeah, that might not be a good thing. I couldn't find the keys anywhere. You just look around the asylum for the bolt cutters. You go up front and well, cut them.

Flappy Bird was too frustrating and so is this. I wish the Angry Birds were in this. Wait, how often I have mentioned those guys lately? The music wasn't bad. I was pretty disappointed in this. I thought it would about a cat that makes pancakes!

It's just hard to get into. I was able to get 4. I find it kind of mocking how there's too zeroes in front of the 4. Yeah, like most people would even play this to get beyond 99 or even 9. I guess if you're really good, you could play this.

I am sorry, but I didn't find the game to be that good. It's mostly because it's just a game that goes on forever. More clocks always show up. It just gets too repetitive. It would have worked better if there were levels. Maybe there are and I just haven't gotten that far.

The sounds are cute. The designs are nice. It's just rather tedious. I'm surprised this had nothing to do with the Clock Crew. Then again, they are declining nowadays.

Wow, this must be the longest game you've ever made. It was so weird at how it kept on going. There were two battles that were simply impossible for me to beat. Is that because I skipped two battles? The hidden astronaut token is on the yellow light. You'll know it when you see it.

I love the music at the end. The animation is quite good. These are characters with superpowers, but they're struggling with their faith? I guess it's speculative fiction. You need it to be a bit shorter, but this is still good.

JackAstral responds:

That's not the storyline, no

This was a great game! I guess it's just because I found it so unique. I am glad I managed to get the hang of it after awhile. There are always new things going on. The music fits the funky style. It's just a pleasant game.

There's just a lot of niceness in this. I had no idea there would be multiple purple people. I guess I should have read the author comments. Shouldn't it be author'S comments? Great nonetheless.

whileworking responds:

Didn't want to explain the whole game in the description xD - Happy you like Purbalds!

Dang, I feel so bad for not being able to figure anything out in this. All I had to do was simply touch the ground. That's probably one of the most clever things you've ever done. Again, there should have been music. I still managed to find this as passable. On this website, I mean that literally.

I really have to keep on thinking about clicking on absolutely everything in this. I'm too narrow minded. The artwork could probably be better. I guess it wasn't intended to be that good. It's just alright for me.

I am sorry, but I could not get into this. It was just me clicking the same stuff over and over again. At least the sound was nice. You should have more variety in a game like this. I don't know how I lost points. You should just have more stuff going on.

Everything just seemed way too simple. I wish the medals showed up in the game. Is that some error here? Yeah, I do want to bash you. It's just not in the way you think.

Wooooooooooooooooooo responds:

I believe u still got the medal as its on your wall that was my main goal, and every .8 seconds you score will go down by whatever level number you are. As for the pop up I got all of them on my screen check ur browser settings

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