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Woah, this a really weird game. You would think it would be the opposite of the game's objective to burn yourself. I guess you can make something good out of anything! I appreciated how this game was quite unique. It really did make you think about what you had to do on each stage to advance. It may not have made much sense, but it was fun. I really like the graphics in this, as they just seem to giggle around.

The creepy music is also a great touch. The sounds are all quite authentic here, especially with how the fire burns. It's simply a game that does a great job of creating atmosphere. I like how there's so many ways to play a level. As always, it's great for you to include a walkthrough.

I found this to be an okay game. I think the reason it didn't appeal to me that much is because it was to difficult. I know that sounds kind of whiney, but it's still a fairly playable game. I just think there could have been more detail put into the squares. I'm just so much more used to games like this where you combine stuff with the same number. It's not terrible, it's just alright.

The music was pretty fine too. I guess it was a fairly original idea so I appreciate you trying to do something different. That's always something we can use in the world. It's just a tad too boring and it doesn't add up to much. At least it's fairly unique.

I could have sworn this game was made by FlyAnvil. Whoever made it, it's a very enjoyable game. I like how you never know what kind of weapon you're going to use. Granted, that's probably because I'm not playing the game properly, but it's still cool. I like how it's something that everyone can associate themselves with. Not everyone can associate themselves with fighting zombies or really no one can.

The omnious music made it sound pretty cool too. I like how there's this one worm thing that counts for more insects when you kill it. I was thinking the level would end when all the bugs on screen would die. There's still some left over. At least you always have a chance to kill them!

Well, I didn't like this as much as your other games, because it was a bit too hard. I really should learn by now to always read the instructions. I thought you were supposed to trample the sheep because I had so much fun doing it. I guess that does give you an edge to control them better. I like how the warthog is just running around with his anus showing. The graphics aren't great, but still pretty good.

I just think it's funny to watch those sheep run away everywhere. It's really hard to control them when your target is up ahead of you. You can never tell how close you should get before you scare them away. Oh well, this is a fairly playable game. The country music is nice too.

I know I've played a game like this before, but I can't remember what its name was. It wasn't the original part in this game, I know. Oh, now I remember, I think it was called "Spewer". Anyway, wherever the inspiration may have come from, I thought this was a really cool game. The best part is probably how you have to figure your way out through the teleportation devices. I appreciate the overall fun attitude.

It was especially cool to figure out how to kill the enemies. It doesn't mean that much, but it's a nice touch. It really depends on what part of a green teleporter you take it to. No doubt these games will never stop coming to the portal and getting front page! You guys are on a roll.

I admit it was pretty fun to get some easy medals. Dang it, I really have to stop saying that! Anyway, what I didn't like was that I couldn't understand the gameplay. It seemed like it was just me hitting the space bar. I tried it a few times and nothing happened. I specifically went to the things you talked about in the instructions part and nothing worked! Oh well, at least this was a pretty steady game.

I was kind of surprised at how short it was. For a game about relaxing, you'd think it would be played more lesiurably. I guess the graphics and designs are alright. I guess there should just be more clear controls and a better understanding of your environment. At least it was harmless.

This is a great game, my only complaint is that you don't have medals to go with it! That's what this game was made for! Oh well, at least you made something that was very enjoyable. I guess it doesn't have to be about medals when you have something this good. I really appreicated how you managed to make the graphics a lot better. And I thought they were perfectly fine before thi game!

It's nice to bring in a giant talking hamster to this game. There should be more talking hamsters. I really appreciate how the colors are so fantastically bright in this! Every single bit of this game is just full of gorgeous color just waiting to be explored! Even with no medals, you're still quite motivated to beat it.

I actually thought that this was a fairly good game. It mostly works because it manages to be so copmlicated even though it has a simplistic look. I appreciate you trying to have an elaborate game. The graphics aren't that good and it could use a lot better design in some areas. At least you manage to create a pretty fun, consistent game. I like how happy the main character looks.

I didn't understand the point of having him change different colors. It just seemed to have the same effort. Anyways, this is a good game but don't let it frustrate you because it can be like that, trust me. It's Level 05 that is unbeatable for me. The music's fairly decent.

I thought this was a fairly nicely done game. I didn't understand why you chose oranges of all things. I guess it's pretty funny to see the orange's guts go all over the wall. The furthest I ever got was to the third round. I do think you do a good job of creating atmosphere with the tension. The fact that the gun is blue makes it look a little silly. Of course, a game with giant oranges probably isn't meant to be like that.

The graphics are pretty nice in this, especially with how the oranges are drawn. I had no idea you would make a game like this. It doesn't even seem to be that way of your style. I can't even tell what the rest of their bodies are made of. It's like this weird brown thing.

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