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For some reason, I thought this would be more educational. Oh wait, I get it now. It really is a great game. It mostly works because of how good the artwork is. You have no idea what's going to show up next in the levels. It seems like something that's pretty hard to have new things in it.

The music is great too. I just love seeing those little guys get the scrolls. You really are helping people here! I certainly remember the first one. I think this is probably better.

There is one major flaw with this game. It's that it takes too long to click. There must be something wrong with my laptop. It takes too long for me to work up a shot. I still appreciated this game. It works because it has so much going on.

For the record, not skipping the cutscenes doesn't give you the secret medal. I always look out for those things. These zombies remind me of the movie "The Mask". It's just the green faces. The designs are still quite good.

Wow, I really didn't know it would be that hard. Even getting a coin is hard! I guess I should have paid more attention to the title. I do really appreciate how it's pretty unique. As you might have guessed, I'm no good at it. Then again, it seems like most people aren't.

The music is actually pretty good. I guess in a way, I am glad this game was made. It's always interesting to look at hard stuff! It was different than other hard games I have played. While I can't recommend it, it's certainly not bad.

keybol responds:

haha! I wanted to make something that really looks impossible, hence the level design made it evil.

When I first came across the title, I thought it would be a porn game. You know, booty? It turns out there really wasn't much treasure in this either. I still loved this! It was great to see all this stuff going on. I'm glad only a tentacle was lost when you tossed an exploding bomb on it.

The sounds were really nice. I thought an octopus can just grow limbs back. I'm glad this managed to be at least somewhat popular. I like the idea of an octopus with hook tentacles. Hey, that sounds dirty.

This is a surprisingly entertaining game! I guess it just didn't seem very special at first. I really do appreciate how well paced it is. I thought you would die if you touched the flowers. I now realize that would just be too hard. It reminded me of golf. Well, it's just that I know a golfer or two.

The music is really nice and full of energy. This should be more popular. It's a game that's quite easy to understand. It isn't too boring or anything at all! It's simply a nice, energetic game.

This game wasn't bad at all. I will admit it was pretty hard to follow. I couldn't click on the enemy as many times as I wanted. I must just not be getting this. I do not recall the first game. I probably did play it, though.

I appreciate the music. I'm fairly certain I've heard it before. It was cool to have the blood option. I guess I am a blood guy. I am, however, not really a fan of this genre of games.

This game was quite enjoyable. I think the weakest thing about it was probably how the graphics weren't that good. It was basically just a bunch of people running around. It looked a bit too cardboard like. It's still worth looking at. I didn't know my gun could also turn normal people into mummies!

I think this is the first time I've seen mummies that were like zombies. They bit people and you turned into one. I seriously think that's a first! It's a great idea. A pity this isn't well known at all. Oh well, I reviewed it!

This game was better than I thought it would be. It was interesting to be able to move around your black space like that. I don't know if the game ever ended. Those monsters were actually pretty cute. I still wouldn't want them around, though. The artwork is pretty good.

I like how they look like peanuts when you push them up. It's funny to see them vanish. There appears to be some watery sound and effects when they do that. Well, I guess it fits with the ink blot. Quite creative!

I was very impressed by this game! At first, it seemed like it would be too easy. It really does get more interesting and complicated as it goes on. I appreciate how there is always something different. I'm amazed at how much this game escalates into difficulty. It's just very well done.

The music is wonderful too. I'm glad you have a lot of mobility with your character. I thought it would be something where he'd just automatically go somewhere. I'm glad it was better than that!

EggysGames responds:

Thanks a lot :)

Is there some glitch in this system? It says that all of the tracks are unavailable. I tried to instead use multiplayer hoping there would be something different, but nothing worked with that either. I then tried to select different characters, but I still couldn't play anything! The sound and music get kind of annoying after awhile.

I did manage to get it elsewhere. I really didn't care much for this game. It was just me punching these colored orbs over and over. I guess there's nothing really wrong with it. There is some originality to it.

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