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I like this game, but I will admit it is really weird. I guess I was just expecting it to be easier. You really have to time everything perfectly with this. It's strange for a game with such a simple looking design. I guess that CGI chameleon is just cool. It's still hard for me to beat it.

A lot of times the game just played itself. It was easy to get good automatic combos. I'm certainly not complaining. You really do have to get used to it. This was also nice and unique.

Wow, that was quite good. It's seriously one of the most dramatic games I've ever played. I myself will never know what it's like to go through this. I am so glad you made this. I guess it really is the perfect Valentine's Day cartoon. It makes you appreciate true love.

Everything comes off as so real in this. Did this really happen to you? If so, then good for making a game on it. It shows you what real life can be. Happy Valentine's Day!

This wasn't great, but it was still good. The strongest point is probably how cute it is. Squirrels are just nice looking animals. I realize how hard it can be. I just like the idea of them bouncing around like that. It's a good thing you don't have to worry about strength.

With this game, it's really just aim. "Nuts" is also a funny word. The sounds with the rooster were pretty nice. I do think the levels take a bit too long. I would have liked it more if the squirrel could go through the nuts.

It was funny how I could just click past everything. I will admit it could have been more detailed. I wasn't that interested in the story. Oh what do you know, I got all medals except the one worth more than all the others combined. Seriously, do the math. The music was quite good.

I guess it wasn't as easy as I thought with that last medal. Zombies are always cool. Uh, happy Valentine's Day? This was released on Friday the 13th. I guess that was kind of appropriate for it.

This was a rather strange game, but I did enjoy it. It's mostly because it was hard to tell how to play it. At least you used the same design when you retried the game. I thought the design was pretty nice. I liked the music and sounds. I seem to have mistaken this for another game.

I thought this would be one where you'd draw with a pencil. It really is quite challenging. I'm not that much into it, though. I guess there could be a better explanation of the puzzles. Yeah, I would recommend this, but I'm not very good at puzzles.

This game was quite impressive. I'm surprised it didn't win any award. I really am impressed by how good the gameplay is. I am generally not a fan of RPGs. This just worked well. You weren't kidding about your hero being weak at first.

It was a game that did play itself in the beginning. I liked the details. The drawings could have been a bit better, though. You could have also put music in this. That's always good.

I would have liked this game more if I really knew how to play. I got control of the cannon and shot at my enemies. It had no effect. It took too long for me to get back up. I know there must be something wrong with my computer. Dang, I miss my mouse.

It flows together pretty well. I like how you have a gun too. You can't always hit your target. The designs are pretty good. Pirates are pretty cool. I still like ninjas more, lol.

This game first came off as pretty aggravating to me. They key word being "first". I really do appreciate how it's organized well. It can be annoying with how you can't tell what you should do when you move them around. That can be confusing. It is pretty easy to understand after awhile.

I do kind of think it was a bit too cutesy. Then again, that may have been the point. I guess little kids will like this more. It's funny to see them in their underwear. It's a good game.

It's hard not to love a game like this. It's just the same awesomeness of mowing down zombies over and over! The male ones kind of looked like Hitler. Well, maybe I'm just thinking of Godwin's Law. It is so nice to see them get shot. I guess the bigger one is a boss.

There could have been more diversity, though. I guess it's weird to say that about zombies. I just love the Metal Slug Rampage style. I really have gotten familiar with that series. Certainly worth looking at!

This was a god game. I do, however, think it was kind of redundant. It was mostly just the same thing over and over. You punched people and spit on them or used some other bodily fluid. Bodily fluids seem to be all the rage nowadays. I grew up in a world with hobos.

Seriously, my hometown has a hobo day. I was just hoping they'd be depicted better here. Then again, I never really met any real ones. It can be addictive. I like the controls.

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