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I found this game to be decent. I did like how it was pretty easy to understand. I'm not even interesting in knowing what the clicking does. The sound effects were nice enough. There's a pretty fair amount of activity. The music comes off as particularly ambitious.

It's really not that special, so I wouldn't recommend it. There still isn't much to complain about. You have to be patient with this. Just clicking A and S over and over doesn't work. I should have expected that.

I thought this was really cool! It actually was nice to see all these new twists on classic games. I had no idea what you would do with Pong. It really does become a huge distraction. The sounds and music were all quite nice. A lot of the time, I wasn't good at these games to begin with.

You can have so much fun with this. I appreciate the creativity. It must have taken a long time to make. I do wish you had a feature where you could go back to the menu at once. You don't have to wait for the time to run out.

I found this game to just be okay. I admit that it wasn't very special. It was a bit better than the previous game. I think it's because you had more accessories. It still should have had sound. People make this mistake too often.

It is bad enough that there is no music. There could be transition sounds when you change. Maybe you could make the model more attractive? Better yet, just use some popular cartoon character. Yeah, I'm like that.

Damn, it seems like you made an infinite number of these. I am kind of confused as to why this is labeled as "II". I guess it's not quite in the same location as the other games. Then again, I probably couldn't even remember that far back. The music was very good. The overall atmosphere is great.

I am lost at the level with the box on the raft. I can't get it to move! It's great how you can explore so much area. This stuff truly is like a TARDIS. It's not that scary for a game that tries to present itself as one that is.

While I don't like point and click adventure games, this really is good. It's mostly because of how good the artwork is. I got a really good feeling of detail playing this. I think the main pirate is himself some fish creature. It was weird to see him like that. I like the creaking of the chair(s?).

You have created a great atmosphere. I have no idea on what to do with the chest. I haven't gotten far at all. Isn't Tortuga some Mario villain? It just sounds familiar.

I love this game, if only because of how many chances it gives you. It's quite a generous game. You can even fire rapidly! The music is also very stylish. It took me awhile to understand it, though. It is quite a creative idea. I guess there are other black and white games like this, though.

I even like the little sounds when the cannon fires. It is of course more complicated than it looks at first. Aren't all games? You seem to have an interesting perception of gravity. Contrast is just a cool word.

I enjoy this game, but it's really weird. I was too lazy to look up the tutorial. I really have to give it props for being creative. I just have no idea what the goal of this game is. It's nice enough to admire. I did understand it more as it went on.

It does make me appreciate challenging games. I was thinking there was Texas music in this. I guess it was as appropriate as anything else. I can't really say there should have been more detail. It worked so well in a strange way for what little it had.

I don't understand the appeal of this game. I am not disappointed there was no nudity. That would probably be pedofiliac anyway. It's just you dressing up a girl. There is once again, no sound or music. It's made worse by how the game it so boring.

It's just the same thing I've seen so many times before. I never really care for these kinds of games. I guess maybe people who are more into it would like this. This is just far too bland. There's tons of better stuff out there.

I found this game to just be okay. I really do appreciate the little things that go on. I don't understand how you really attack. I hit the enemies with my disks and they didn't die. They changed color or something? The animation could have also been better.

The sounds were nice as well. I thought the discs looked like Pokeballs. That must have been intentional. It's not really the game for me. It seems like most people think the same thing.

This was great! It was mostly because of how fast paced it was. It was really great to see all of these enemies come and attack you. The highest combo I got was 17. I was surprised when I died. The enemies really do come up and attack you quickly.

Of course, that's really the only thing there is to this game. The music was great too. The hitting and wooshing sounds were great. I thought the title was "Looong" and not "Loong". It's hard to tell how many Os there are.

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