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I found this to be a decent game. I was surprised at how difficult it was. I don't even think I could get a good shot if it even stayed in the same place! I was amazed at how fast they moved. It frustrated me how they seemed to be in the same place for awhile. I think my hand might have slipped away a few times.

It was still nice to play a realistic game. Granted, I don't know where these things are even coming from. The music is really intense. In fact, I think it might be a bit too intense. It was hard to focus, but I guess that was intentional.

Given the name of the game, I was hoping it would be like Dragonball Z. It was anything but. I couldn't really get into this. There wasn't much detail. It's just too frustrating to really care about it. It was weird when you died by restarting a level.

I guess it was kind of original. It just didn't do much for me. If nothing else, it was boring. You should probably have a more innovative game next time. This one was just getting a ball on a blank screen from one end to another.

This game was just mediocre. It was nothing that I hadn't seen before. The best part is how it's easy to understand. I don't know what the fire power up gave me, though. It didn't help much. There should have been music. At least there were sound effects!

A lot of games don't have either. He seemed more like a cat than a tiger. It was too generic. It was the same background over and over. A bit creative, though.

It seems like this game would have been perfect, if not for a few things. First of all, the image resolution wasn't good. This is an old game, so I don't think it had anything to do with my computer. Second, the pauses were too long. After you hit an enemy, the screen froze for a second. Hee hee, I said second on the second wrong thing.

The sounds were great. I really appreciate the graphics in this game. I've never seen anything like it! The enemies are wonderfully creative too. You have great mobility. While not a bullseye, I'm still certainly glad I looked at it.

I found this to be a decent game. I like how creative it is. It really is the kind of game you would invent for yourself on a rainy day. Granted, I'm an adult, so I wouldn't be a kid like this, but you get the idea. Yeah, it was kind of redundant to see all those rain drops. I would still recommend this.

You did kind of appeal to the inner kid in us. I did notice that mad scientist at one point. The music was fairly good. You really can just stay in one spot and keep on firing. It was interesting how you could test yourself.

This game wasn't bad. I don't know how to change from the gun to the spray thing. I wasn't expecting zombies. That was a pleasant surprise. They really are, nowadays. The sounds were quite good.

It did get a tad repetitive. I still appreciate it for being unique. Giant spiders are pretty cool, but not as much as zombies. The hisses are a nice touch. It was fine for what it was.

I ended up really enjoying this game! I thought the cartoonish effects really worked out for it. I guess it was just a good contrast against the enemies. I appreciated how colorful it was. I didn't need to upgrade the towers. I didn't need to pause, because there were such long moments where I didn't need to do anything.

It was quite easy to understand everything. Sorry to say that I could not find the last medal. Of course, it would be worth as much as all the other medals combined! The sounds were pretty good. They did get a bit too loud, though.

I found this to be a pretty good game. I guess it's kind of weird to call it "cute". I mean it's about a pumpkin headed guy. Well, it isn't gory or anything. It's about as cute as things like this could be. I really do like it when you die and spin around like that.

It was kind of a chore to have to take your head off to collect candy. Trust me, that's not as unpleasant as it sounds. It certainly lives up to its title. I like how you're this little guy who moves around. The size of everything makes it look big and interesting.

I liked this game and it's mostly because it really did have a unique style. I was a bit confused at first, but I got better. It was pretty nice to shoot those guys in different places. If you did it in the same place, they would never permanently die. I guess they were dead to begin...whatever. The colors were great too.

It was nice to see the detail in all the different body parts. There's even nice detail when you die yourself. There was pretty good originality to this. Zombie stuff will never die! Well, I guess it was dead...I'm repeating myself.

This really is a very cool game that deserves to be looked at! I was impressed at how fluidly everything moved. Then again, that was probably the point. I did run into some problems with them touching each other. Hmm, that sounds dirty. The music was quite stylistic.

There were always new obstacles to look out for. They never hurt you, just got in the way. You don't really pop anything. I guess you just mean break it. Well, you don't quite do that either.

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