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I was so impressed by how this was a real clock. I mean, I do wonder why they don't just show the time. It's still a great submission. I believe that was the name of a band. I congratulate you for helping us tell the time. Well, it's on most computers anyway.

It's just a very fun little thing. I guess an actual alarm clock would be more useful. I just liked hearing the voices. Well, whatever sounds they are. Good variety of clocks too.

So this was made on January 1st? The first popular submission of the year! I admit it seems to move too slowly. You had to do so much with the tutorial. At least I got a medal for it. The graphics are decent.

There was just too much exposition. I'm stumped at the bit where the three of us have guns. The music's pretty good too. It's pretty easy to understand. It's just a nice game overall but not great for me.

This was a very fun game. I'm surprised the rating isn't higher. Funny, this doesn't really seem like the Arrogancy series. Well, that made it more unique! I loved how simple it was. I'm glad you fought other enemies and went to different places.

Okay, there wasn't that much variety, but it was something. The music was a lot of fun too. It was good to have a game with such straightforward gameplay. That's always good. I rarely see a chapter name in a game.

Well, I have some bad news. With the Unity player, my browser just can't handle it. Well, I can still play some of it. I got as far as the first singing blue bird. I know I'm pressing down on S but it doesn't show up. At least I had sort of an adventure.

The graphics are nice. I thought this would be a game where all you did was sync up the stuff on screen. I'm glad there was more. You have pretty good mobility here. You can expect that from a bird.

Joysteak responds:

Hi Ericho! Ah, I know it's slow on Unity player. We are trying hard to optimise the game so it'll be less laggy for our players. Still, I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

That game was incredible! I had no idea I'd have so much fun with it. It was a pain when the crow came. Here's how you beat it. You meow at it (by pressing S) and then have the crow go through all the green bushes. They all have to be colored.

I got knocked off and I can't get back up! It's really annoying! I was also annoyed by going on the clotheslines. I think the clothespins coming off was what screwed me up. I do love cats. I love the artwork, music, and everything.

CrounchyBrothers responds:

Heeey thanks! :)
Seems like you really had a good time playing "Knots Story".
You are right, the most difficult part to most of the players are the clothespins and to find out how to beat the crow. We'll maybe add some feedbacks that'll help in the future ;)

You really are the most famous music video creator here. They're always goofy, but that's just fine. I liked being able to make my own stuff here. It's probably nothing I'll share with anybody, but it's still great. Hard to pick a favorite part. They're all quite good.

They work best together. I liked the little monkey. There aren't too many mixers here. We always appreciate variety. Is that last one clav?

That was a pretty good game, but it did have its faults. It seemed like the gameplay was too simple. It didn't take long for me to beat a level. I still liked this because of how beautiful it looked! This is just a game that looks amazing! It's not much of a maze.

I can see why it took a different kind of program to run it. It's a really futuristic looking game. I liked the sounds too. It just wasn't great for me. Still, it definitely tried.

Well, I'm normally not into RPGs but this wasn't bad. The best part is how mobile you are. Okay, you still can't go into the houses, but you get the idea. There's definitely a sense of being able to move around. I couldn't seem to go to the beach. I thought it was a dating sim at first.

You know, the way you talked to the girl. Well, it would be rated A probably. I know how risqué those can get. The music is very nice. While not really my thing, not bad.

This was a really weird game. I'm glad it was CGI. You knew how to make an interesting world. It probably could have been more detailed, though. I'm glad MiniClip is still around. You guys need to make more stuff!

I thought I was supposed to collect the ball in the middle. Instead, it was my enemy. I liked how you could reflect enemy blasts. Well, not with the ball. While not great, a fairly unique game.

I think this game was pretty crudely done. I mean, it was just PIco as a Mexican. That was kind of a funny image, though. It still really was just an image. At least it was unpredictable. I'm pretty bad at this game.

I don't even know how to kill the guy at the beginning. Maybe that was the point. I appreciate how it was at least different. It just had poor artwork. It needed more.

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