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It was nice to see a lot of Clocks, but this still wasn't that impressive. It's mostly because I didn't care for the pictures that much. Still, Happy Clock Day 2021! We still have a lot to celebrate, if only because we're still alive. The music was okay.

It looks like you got the medals just by clicking on random pictures. I'm not going to spoil it, of course. It should be easy enough to pick on your own. How this is under my most recently made by my favorite authors? I didn't favorite any of you!

This started off great, but it did get annoying. It's mostly because of the obstacles. At least there's some easy medals! I do really like this concept. I just wish you didn't have to start all over. You could have at least started back from before you died.

Well, I'm just being whiney. This was still a pretty interesting game. I forgot it came out of your butt at first. I thought it was just a standard launching game. At least you could freeze while in mid-air, not that it ever helped me.

"conveyor belt" is the one I just can't get past. I did love how it was so complicated. You would think it would be easier after awhile. I'm always tempted to look at the walkthroughs. I know they exist somewhere. The music was quite nice too.

It seemed to be pretty melancholic. I wish you could change them as you go on! I know that would be too easy. This was great for something made in 48 hours. If it was nothing but 48 hours straight, you did the job well!

Aww, nice to see something from Cyberdevil. In addition to your many reviews, you've made a lot of submissions as well. Here's to good work from a fellow reviewer. Well, I already knew most of this stuff already. I think its changed. I mean, the whole format has changed since 2013!

I'm glad there was more detail put into it. I just wish it was more like, well a game. I do enjoy learning about statistics. This was still pretty fascinating. I hope to see more interesting information like this.

Cyberdevil responds:

Cool to see you here too Ericho; still revvin' the review' engine too! :)

The level set is actually - as far as I know - still the same as it was back in 2013, though a lot of other site elements have changed since. The emojis for example seem to have been revamped entirely at least twice, and the layout's been redesigned almost entirely now, but level icons, B/P badges, whistles... not so much change there. Yet. Would be cool to see some new ones but then again the current set really is pretty thorough. Wonder if they could make it better yet.

Mmm, some actual game with a level-based theme sounds like an interesting idea, might give that a try too some time... thanks for the feedback!

I'm sorry, but it was hard to get into this. I mean, everything was way too basic. It was just a car going on the road. I did like it how you threw in exploding cars. The graphics weren't much. Well, if it got Daily 4th Place, it must have been doing something right.

It was just too basic for me. The music was fine. You needed a lot more detail. I guess it's okay for a quick play. It just wasn't that creative.

HENOOB responds:

No problem, thanks for the long review and opinion that was something i was seeking when i made this game

I liked it, but couldn't quite understand it. What exactly was a round in this case? I played a bunch of different waves, but it didn't amount to much. I did at least appreciate how I could get used to it. It's been awhile since we've had a brawler here. The graphics were quite nice.

At least you knew how many enemies you had left. It seemed to escalate too much. Nice music, though. People better at brawlers would look this more. I'm glad you could just punch the torpedoes.

I mistook this for some other game you made. Well, they are pretty similar. I still appreciated this for how unique it was. I will admit to being annoyed with how you couldn't take pack a teleport before you had made your decision. That's probably more my fault anyway. It was still a very fun game.

I know it's going to get much harder. I probably think about medals too much. This was all about planning. Oh, I just now noticed the back button. I need to read the comments more often!

This was great, but I did have problems with the camera. You know, with how you couldn't stop moving. It was still amazing to see these graphics. Honestly, they're so unique for this website! You give a nice big world to interact with! It's probably only fun because of how great it is to destroy stuff.

An egg yolk? What are you, pro-life? I appreciate the cute music too. While not one of the best, definitely a twist for an egg game. What else would an egg yolk have to do? I'm amazed at how fast paced it is.

Yeah, I didn't really care for this. I guess I thought it was too hard. Well, not hard enough. I mean, the eggs weren't hard enough! lol! Okay, that was lame. This just wasn't rewarding for me.

It was still a different kind of game. We really have gotten unique stuff with this jam. I do like this little chicken. Chickens are just that funny. The music's fairly nice as well.

This game was great! My only problem was when I ran into those golden eggs. The game automatically ended when I used them and there was no way for me to play it again until I refreshed the page! This was still really cool. My favorite part was probably how colorful it was. I mean, everything looked so beautiful!

I need to stop craving for medals. It was quite a unique experience. The weapons and environment were all so original! I guess I am glad we're crediting everyone here nowadays. I don't think the game was working for me at first. I just had to wait a day.

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