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I didn't for this that much. The best part about it is probably how simple it is to understand. It's strange, because that's also a reason why it isn't that good. There is just so little variety in this. You don't get a sense of going on to do different things. Of course, I'm not going to blame this for failing to be something it wasn't trying to.

There could have been some music. You should have made it so that there were more ways to shoot the zombies. There were just two spots for them to be injured. On the plus side, they were injured very badly in those areas. You need more of a challenge.

This is one of the strangest games I've played in awhile, but also probably one of the best. I just really like how you go out of your way to create this insane world. I love how it doesn't all just take place in one part. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed to leave the room. I got desperate and just clicked everything I saw. I saw some vague shape and wouldn't you know it, I got a medal for it!

The backgrounds are just gorgeous in this. I don't know if you were trying to make some social statement here. I'm generally not into point and click adventures, but this was definitley an exception. It was just so wonderfully detailed. I don't know how you made these backgrounds, but they're awesome!

This was another really cool game that I came across. I think the best part about it is the graphics. I know that's kind of strange, seeing as how it's just pixellation. It's still wonderful to see all these cool scenarios being played out. The Mafia just look cool. I was afraid of that one car that was coming closer to me.

I'm glad I could just kill that guy. I love how I was able to get so many medals. This reminds me of a similarily named game on another, much more popular website. I have never played it. The sounds were really cool too.

It's hard to say why, but I really enjoyed this game. I know that there was another one a lot like it that you guys worked on. I just didn't quite understand how to use the bombs at first. Dang, anything you guys make automatically gets on the front page, doesn't it? I liked the very stylistic music. The color effects in this are absolutely gorgeous.

I have yet to successfully kill one of those guys with a bomb. Of course, it wouldn't permanently get rid of them anyway. I love how they all die when you beat the level. Hopefully, this will become popular. It's funny to see these silly designs.

I'm having mixed emotions about this game. On one hand, it was a bit creative for what it was. On the other, it just didn't have a lot of detail put into it. I think that the good outweighs the bad for the most part. It was nice to have a simple game. Dang, these guys are freaks of nature for having hair that grows that fast!

You could have had some more variety in their appearances. I'm surprised that all of them want to be bald. The sound effects are pretty funny. I like to see the shaver just jingle around like that. Overall, it's decent.

Well, congradulations on making the most awesome game yet! At first, I was thinking it would just be about you going around, but it turned out to be a lot better when you actually got the action going! I just freaking loved everything about this. I loved the medals you got for every little thing. You even managed to highlight on Matt and Nate's relationship! Just saying, if I was with someone as hot as her, I'd consider being more than friends.

It has in fact been a long time since the previous entries. I guess they're just so satisfying in their own rights, you don't even want more. You were wrong with this series! The sound effects, music, everything, was absoutely flawless! This is probably my favorite game series on this entire website. To think, I'm generally not a fan of RPGs!

Now that I think about it, I honestly don't think I've ever played a game from you guys that had medals. What can I say, I don't think the graphics were as good as they could have been. I just felt the image resolution was too big to be that enjoyable. You should have submitted this on a smaller picture. It's still good for what it is.

The most annoying thing is how I don't know how to kill those frog things. I think I have to approach them from a certain angle or something. Or maybe it's about some special power I have a limited amount of? I thought the music set the setting (heh, a bit redundant) well. Oh wait, you can make it smaller, silly me.

I'm just not a guy who's that much into typing games like this. It seems like something that really limits yourself. I really appreciated the creepy music. It actually was pretty interesting to see what kind of respones you could get. It makes sense there are only secret medals. Everything is so ambiguous here you wouldn't know how to get it anyway.

I got a Game Over after playing chess. Maybe I shouldn't have left it on so long? It's funny with how you can type literally anything here. It has decent atmosphere in general. The graphics could be a bit better, though.

Okay, listen up because I have a long history with this game. For the longest time, I have played it and had absolutely no idea how to advance in it. I tried every single key on the keyboard and I could do absolutely nothing. I don't think if I ever even noticed the instructions before. Now I finally realize how awesome this is. I have never played the original game.

It's great that you have some awesome graphics. I get the great sense that I'm in a fun environment. I even liked the little sounds you made when you flapped. It's fairly simple, but can still be complicated. I like how you easily go from one side of the screen to another and thank you for making this for me to finally enjoy.

I think this was very authentic to the style of the original Ghosts And Goblins games. And this is coming from a guy who didn't even play them growing up! I have at least played other games similar to it. My only complaint is that it's pretty hard for me. I can only imagine how hard it must have been in the original games. Mega Man is just that good with projectiles.

Oh wait, I'm thinking of Castlevania. Dang, there were a lot of popular horror themed games back then. I love how you make fun of Arthur in the description. You can even start where you died. Again, don't know if the original game was like that.

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