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I have to admit, that my only motivation for playing this was getting a higher score than other people. Come on, that had to be the same for a lot of other people! I thought the graphics were pretty good. I originally thought there wasn't any sound. I just pressed "M" by mistake. It's nice to know I like this game the more it goes on.

I still wouldn't recommend it, though. There wasn't that much detail in it. At least it was kind of unique. You had pretty good mobility. Congratulations on being the most played games in this series!

I guess I can't hate it that much because it was so easy for me. Of course, that's also why I didn't like it. It was just me eating snails and nothing else. There might be something I'm missing. It just said I won when I ate them all. I guess it's just too easy. The graphics aren't too bad.

I thought maybe I'd die at the end. I seem to have the same health. The music's fairly good. Spiders don't eat snails. Of course, they don't technically eat anything, they just suck their fluids out.

Well, I admit that it is pretty unique. My problem is that I just don't like this sort of game. I didn't understand how to use my attacks. The game seems a bit too simple. I'm not really that interested in learning how to do it better. I am at least somewhat familiar with this format.

The music was pretty good. I guess people who know more about it should like it. I could figure out the controls pretty easily. The tutorial I took afterwards still helped, though. I guess I'm not into cooking games.

Kwing responds:

I don't know what to tell you, man. This isn't a cooking game, and the recipes are pretty darned simple to use.

Yes! Another entry in this amazing series! I have little doubt this will be popular along with everything else. The best part was probably all the different planes that you took down. It was weird how the achievements showed up. I didn't realize that I got them at first!

It's so easy to get lost in this game. If there's any moments of non yelling, you know you're doing poorly. The graphics and designs are all great. It did seem harder than the other ones. It's still definitely worth looking at.

This is one game that really fascinates me. It's mostly because of how hard it is. It has one of the most simple designs I have ever seen in a game. It really can drive you insane after awhile. I managed to at least get the first medal. You do get better with it as you go along.

The sounds can become distracting. That's why I got the furthest with it off! It's interesting to have so much obstacles that are all the same! It's almost like you're in a trance. It just gets so redundant.

I was in fact quite impressed by this! I really had no idea what to think. I thought those guys who look like Bill from "Gravity Falls" were supposed to be the checkpoints! Everything was so graceful here. I really appreciated that. I loved the beautiful music.

It's nice to have such a sense of wonder. I'm glad I understand how those checkpoints worked. It really does seem like a dream. Then again, most dreams aren't realistic. This was just really good.

Chaz responds:


Happy Clock Day! I admit that I didn't enjoy this that much because it's really hard. I was at least hoping you'd have some means of defense. At least you fulfilled the holiday's customs well! All of them are locks. You should have just said avoid everybody.

There hasn't been a pony clock? If I was a member, that's who I would be. The sounds were pretty good. Congrats on being one of the most viewed Clock Day submissions! Not much, but it's something.

I will give the game credit for being something out of the ordinary. It wasn't hard to figure out what how to get the first medal. Well, same for most, it would just be hard to get them. I was confused as to why the high scores were so low. I'm glad to understand now that this is really hard. The sound effects are pretty good.

I really appreciate the colors in this. Everything looks so wonderfully flashy. The title's pretty good too. The sounds get a little repetitive though. The enemies look like the Cool Aid Man.

The artwork was quite good. I was especially impressed by how good the music was too. I will admit that it's getting a little repetitive. It's still pretty nice, though. Anything with zombies and anime has to be good. I'll go crazy with this astronaut thing.

At least I got it that one time. The minigames were quite unpredictable. It was pretty easy to get used to each one. I still skip through all the dialogue. It doesn't really interest me.

Well, this game certainly got me hooked. Granted, that's only because of how hard it is. I want medals! It's a pretty creative game. It does look like it was made in a short amount of time. There could have been more detail. Maybe I get really high, something will happen.

It really takes getting used to. I can't say much else, as it's basically the same thing over and over. The graphics were actually pretty good. It's not quite my thing. If you want a challenge, go for this!

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