View Profile Ericho

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I really liked how this was set up. It showed you have a lot of great graphics. I do wish the controls were better. Well, I did start off in the middle. I didn't want to go Baby. I do like shooting games.

Well, not from this perspective at least. The design still looks great. If I worked harder, I could be better at it. Too bad I'm not motivated enough to do that.

Gypopothomas responds:

Thanks! Any suggestions for the controls?

I did enjoy this. It can be fun punching stuff. I don't have anything against Toad. I appreciate the music. This artwork is pretty goofy. I wonder how something awaits votes.

I guess it just wasn't popular after the redesign. It was nice to see a completely drawn cartoon from DrunkMagiKoopa. I'm glad his cartoons are still here. Well, this was a game. You lose no matter what you try.

Aww, people should like this. I mean, it shows a boss being attacked. It's more of a corporate thing so he'd be more evil. I like all the options. Still not one of your better cartoons. I like the design.

There were a lot of Tamagotchi parodies out there. It seems to have died off. It's just nice and goofy. I like how you spell "Johnny". It's good for a short laugh.

For some reason, I just knew that this would be a game. It appears on the Top 50 on the Portal list. I'm not into point and click adventure games. This is still great. There's so much detail put into it. The best part is probably how creepy it is.

These games are all about atmosphere. I do wish there was more music. It's a pretty nice world you've created. Well, I haven't gotten that far. It's nice to look at.

Um, okay here I am with my first review on the new format of the website. It's hard to understand what's going on. Can I not vote anymore? Anyway, this was nice because I saw the walkthrough. First, go to the art room and tap on the door. The color combo is green, purple, orange.

Go up to the gym. Go next to the gym and put in 206. Flip the switch and go back to the blue lockers. Type in 4827 on one of them. The rest is up to you.

The top of those things looked like icebergs. You said that it wasn't an iceberg, but a reef that sunk the Exxon Valdez. Well, I'm not familiar with reefs. This needed more sound. I like how it was educational. 1989 was history?

It's weird how the criteria for history becomes more recent as time goes on. I hope you got a good grade. People seemed to like it here. There should be a section here devoted to educational games. It was less humorous than the BP oil spill game.

I really don't get it. It's just you shooting the same plane over and over. Where's the fun in that? Why is that green guy even there? You can't shoot him. I guess it might work as a time waster.

What did this even have to do with Joe Zombie? I guess that's supposed to be him shooting the gun. It seems weird for a zombie to be doing that. I'm sure the final game is much better. This was harmless.

I don't see the appeal in this game. It was too difficult. It took me a lot of time just to take out one fire. Was I doing it wrong? I was aiming the water right at the fire. Maybe I needed to do it below or above the water?

It annoyed me how you had to move by pressing a button in the game. You should just use the arrow keys. It's a pity you were fairly prolific, but had little recognition. I guess you're mostly forgotten now. You still have good style.

I'm bad at RPGs. Well, except the "Epic Battle Fantasy" series. I did like this. It was a pretty creative one. I remember going to websites like that. Anyway, it was unique.

I liked the music. I'm not into forums of any kind. Well, I was never into this sort of thing to begin with. The layout is great. I just don't think it's great.

I was truly impressed at how hard this game got. Right from the get go, it was difficult. At least I managed to get through one level without dying once. The design was quite simple. Still, it was very interesting! You really had to maneuver a lot.

It was hard to kill these things. You had to time it perfectly so you wouldn't attack when they were firing. The medals didn't show up in the game. I'm glad they still say I earned them. This is pretty challenging.

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Age 35, Male

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