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I loved this game! It was probably mostly because I was so motivated to go on, as all the medals were secret. It still had amazing gameplay. It really didn't get too hard, which is always a plus. Thanks for showing us how some of it's done. I rarely look at those first.

The music was quite soothing. The purple squares that fired shots were the hardest. It was so satisfying to beat the whole game in one setting! It seemed to have the perfect level of difficulty. It was just such a unique game. I'm glad to have gotten through all of it.

I didn't know it would be that hard to get to the village. I mean, it's really surprisingly a long way to walk. Well, it did make it seem more realistic. These still aren't realistic scenarios. I like getting presents of course! I think it's great you guys have kept this up for all these years.

Yeah, the design's simplistic. The medals seem to get awhile to load. I'm surprised more people weren't credited. I liked how it used my name. Don't stalk me!

KnoseDoge responds:

after you've entered the village you will spawn there whenever you play the game again, so don't worry about the path being long lol

Wow, that was quite a creative game. I will admit it got quite frustrating. I mean, you really had to time everything perfectly. Still, it's a very original concept. That's something I can always respect. I just think your other games are better.

Level 5 is the one where it really gets me. Maybe I lost motivation after Level 4? That guy kind of looks like a squid. They aren't known for floating. It was weird to have a game more on hovering than flying.

Oh yes, I remember this game from you. I admit I'm just not into visual novels. They just contain way too much exposition. At least it's drawn wonderfully. Well, I mean done with sprites wonderfully. I did enjoy the latest "Ghostbusters" movie.

I'm sooo glad you liked the movie too. Let's just say you're in for a surprise with the final scene. I'm saying that to the people who haven't seen it, not you. It's so authentic to the style. I just don't like these layouts. I know I'm referring to the original game.

Muja responds:

Hey there! Yeah, it's a matter of tastes, but I'm glad you liked the new movie like me! :D

"There she is"? That sounds familiar. I haven't played a game like this in a long time. How is it a visual novel? There are no visuals. It almost seemed like a Creepypasta.

I mean, I had no idea if this was going to turn creepy or not. The sounds made it seem authentic. This just came out of nowhere and is universally loved. I have no idea how it happened. I like it, but I'm sorry to say I don't love it.

I liked this game. It wasn't that hard at first, but the level with nothing but spikes really turned me off. I still appreciate this game for how wholesome it is. That ring looked like a doughnut. Well, I guess most rings do. I liked how the spikes look like bombs.

I wasn't expecting skulls and stuff to be in Heaven at all. Well, it's still a cute game. It's about earning wings! We usually reserve "It's A Wonderful Life" for that stuff. You have to work for these medals!

I have to admit that I'm disappointed by the lack of sound. I thought maybe it was something to do with my computer, but other people mention this too. I will admit the graphics are quite nice. It just moved too slowly. I was only motivated by the medals. I say that too much.

Well, I mean it! Oh, the title's kind of cute. It just seemed like a futile game. Getting the fuel didn't seem to help at all. I guess it was just stored for next time.

I found this to be quite a fun game. I admit the controls aren't the best. It gets a little annoying. Still, you have some great graphics. I wasn't expecting cars to appear. Well, how else could it get harder?

I guess lawnmowing is a pretty unique concept. I liked the music as well. I'm glad you got frontpaged. I understand what the meaning of those stars was. I'm glad it wasn't timed.

Wow, this truly is a complicated game! I know I say that about every game like this, but it's more like the format. I mean, it's just getting rid of mice. There were NO easy medals in this at all. I shouldn't whine about that. Were the mice supposed to collect the pellets?

I like the jokes about how weird the animals look. I guess I'm not into puzzle games as much as I thought I was. I like how you have the Undo button instead of just having to restart the whole level. It would be nicer if you could just change the positions. The music fits the style too.

WigDev responds:

A few people have pointed out that calling any of the medals in this game 'Easy' is misleading, and I think they have a point! I've decided to upgrade the score of all the medals in the game so even the early ones are worth 10pts.

I can't upgrade the last medal any higher than 100pts of course, but let me be clear: 'A Nice Stockpile' is an absolutely fiendish medal and massive kudos goes to anyone that manages to unlock it.

I'm surprised this didn't win any award. It's quite a fun game! I was expecting more goombas from the "Godot" name. I guess I just read that wrong. I'm glad how it guided you across the game. I still couldn't get those jumps right.

I've never played this "Mr. Game And Watch" before. It seems like you portrayed it well. The music was fairly good. I never got a double blue line show up here before! It was annoying how you lost all your gems at once.

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