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Wow, this really was a unique game. You guys actually made a game! I admit that it did get annoying. I was still definitely motivated to keep on playing it. It seemed like the harder I tried, the harder it got! That Kirby car design is just awesome.

I don't think I've ever even played a Kirby game (not including ones here). The cannibalism power is pretty awesome. It was just so easy to bump into everything. You'd think he'd be stronger. These enemies were certainly unique too.

That was a lot more enjoyable than I thought! It was amazing how I'm not even a fan of point and click adventures. Well, this was actually a dating sim. A dating sim? I'm even less of a fan of those! It's probably the best one I've ever played.

My favorite part is when the hero described himself as an atheist and she was like, "I'm...right here". I noticed how you used Blamed For Being Railroaded. I was just looking that trope up! This was a very fun game and I love how you told us how long it was. There actually was a good story in this. This deserves a high score as the most unique dating sim ever!

I appreciated the graphics, but it could have been a lot better. The cockroach was pretty annoying. Well, it is indeed pretty annoying. It's indeed authentic to "Contra". I at least think it is. I've never played the actual game.

To play all the games referenced here would take eternity. The first bit was easier than I thought. The final boss? He was the only boss. It needed more variety.

streq responds:

Thank you for the feedback! the "final" has been edited out, I wrote the achievement early on while setting up the page and forgot about it.

I originally had a larger game in mind, but became overwhelmed by it and decided to make it short and replayable via achievements/highscore instead.

The roach is indeed annoying, I was aiming for it to be fast and unpredictable (much like real roaches are lol), but still possible to kill.

Thank you for playing!

This was fun, but I had no idea it would be this hard! I mean, I took out tons of enemies, but couldn't get any medals. This was still quite colorful. Well, not literally. We're used to a lack of color with "Madness Combat" around here. You'd be surprised how many fruits are mistaken for vegetables.

I heard corn is a fruit! Yeah, it contains seeds. The gameplay is still great. I thought the orange would be a boss. There were instead more than one in the same room.

Prox276 responds:

Haha, thanks! :D
This was an eye-opening experience for me. I never knew eggplants, jalapenos and carrots were considered fruit, but I needed every last one of them to fill out a cast of enemies. xD

A FNAF game? I thought this was a "Henry Stickmin" game. I guess it was both. I was thinking you could just go out the door. Well, you can't do that in a FNAF game. Point and click adventures were never my thing.

I couldn't even find that many in-jokes. There was the "Among Us" guy. It's too boring to really like. I've never played the FNAF games, but have seen gameplay. It didn't even look like the window panes had glass, no wonder he got in so easily!

Arguswastaken responds:

Haha well I think your goal in this game is to keep sadmin under lock, not really run away from him. There's a bit of lore, but the whole thing is mostly a joke made for the fun of it

Wow, for an April Fool's Day joke, this has a surprisingly high score. I wish there were some medals attached to it. I still appreciate how good the drawings are. You didn't need to make this so big. Why wasn't this a Clock flash? I would have liked that more!

This was still worth playing. I guess? I wish there were medals. I guess everyone's voting 5 for Clock Day. Well, April Fool's Clock Day here. The music was good.

Happy April Fool's Day 2023! Also, Happy Clock Day 2023! Are we going to have to do this again in August? Anyway, this wasn't that good. It was just you firing over the same objects over and over. I didn't even know when I was hitting anything.

It kept saying "Nan". Well, that fits both of these holidays. Our background's nice. We have the same things happen over and over. I don't think I could even lose. It's not good for me, so it's definitely spam.

olskoo responds:

happy April fools/clock day to you too!

This was a good game, but it was quite hard. I was wondering what the point in was even having a cat as the protagonist. It was just a moving trash can. I guess you did need to go to different trash cans. It was more like a game about demonic possessions. It was still pretty fun.

The blue trash can was when it really got hard. I guess I can't expect too easy from a game like this. It was nice seeing that human guy there. He did give me encourage. I thought the poor cat would be compressed in with the garbage.

It's weird, because I had a feel you'd get a medal for just playing. It was just such a complicated looking game. I really did like this, though. I felt like you had a lot going on. The enemies were very nicely designed. It was a little annoying with how I had to get more ammo.

I guess it was unique that way. The music was also great. The graphics were really good. I didn't need to pay attention to any story. It worked fine with just how odd it was.

Wow, I ended up loving this game! I admit that it did take awhile to understand. I didn't realize how you were able to upgrade. I was worried about not getting enough people in the right slot. You know, I couldn't predict who would show up next. After the slots were all full, it didn't quite matter anyway.

It's weird how it only won minor awards. Anyway, it was still tons of fun to play. I didn't know if the game went on forever. I'd have to learn a lot to really understand everything. I was impressed by all the different kinds of characters I could use. I loved the music too.

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