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I appreciated how creative it was. It was just hard to figure out. You had to experiment with practically everything here. These are probably the most vaguely described medals ever. They were pretty much all secret! Even the title's odd.

It's definitely innovative, but still frustrating. I had no idea what this game would be about at first. The music is nice and atmospheric. It took me awhile to figure out the level select. Well, the cave select.

Yeah, this wasn't enjoyable at all. The graphics were too simplistic. I guess it was at least nice to see something a little different. I didn't understand how the enemies were so powerful. I couldn't beat it at all. I couldn't speed up too well either.

I guess I was supposed to collect those logs. It didn't seem to help me. I didn't really care if they weakened me. It wasn't rewarding at all. I can see why this is ranked as the lowest submission for this jam.

TenentHill responds:

the logs make you shoot less fast. killing the moster make you shoot more faster. if more fast you shooting is, more logs you will gonna need to avoid. Use the headphones to predict witch side he will gonna show up. share your high score if u want, because i don't know how to implement HS board in NG.

srr for not explaining nothing

This game was just okay. I liked the graphics. I didn't know it would be that difficult. I had no idea there would only be one level. I guess this game jam was just okay. I guess monkeys were popular with this.

Obviously, I skipped the text adventure. I never did like those. It's been awhile since I've heard of "Super Monkey Ball". There's no way that wasn't based on this, right? The name sounds like "Bimbo".

That was an enjoyable game. I admit it was weird how you lost when too many cats swarmed you. How could you possibly represent that as being bad? You can never have too many cats. Don't remind me of that "Steven Universe" episode. I didn't even know you could run out of gas.

This was nice and colorful. Boy, was it fast paced! I never thought this would be as fast as NASCAR. Well, NASCAR's predictable anyway. You know, they're making a left turn?

Frosty responds:

the cats eat all your fuel

This was pretty good. I'm actually glad I ran out of fuel. I didn't want the game to go on too long. It was at least nice to see these graphics. I'm glad there were blocks to stop me. It was annoying having to change commands so often.

It would have been better if you could use the arrow keys. At least it was clear what you needed to write down. Bananas are always cool. This title reminded me of MUGEN. It is a funny title, though.

I have to admit that I didn't care for this. I mean, it was just a fish eating and pooping out money. That was it. I did the same thing over and over. I thought there was something more to this game. It was too boring.

I mean, it was at least easy to understand. I still felt like I was missing something. It took too long for something interesting to happen. Orange is my favorite color. That's why I liked goldfish.

Ant responds:

Is a real fish any more exciting? Guess ya don't like fish... but it's fine it's just not ur type of game.

Well, that was indeed a pretty interesting game. I appreciated how the gameplay was unique. That didn't necessarily make it good. It got annoying with the enemies. I could still learn more. I'm glad there weren't too many levels.

I thought your matches would be replenished when you began a new level. That certainly made it harder than I thought it would be! It was hard to kill the enemies too. I didn't know there'd be more than one. That should be expected with a video game.

This was a very cute and unique little RPG. I used to hate them. I've started to warm up to them after the "Epic Battle Fantasy" series. It's interesting to see how they've evolved. This reminded me of "Amphibia". I haven't even seen that show.

The animation is very nice. It took me awhile to get used to the interaction. Thank God I could dodge the attacks. You were pretty mobile in this. It did seem to have order. You could explore things pretty well.

I would recommend this, if only because it was a challenge. I was annoyed by how hard it was. I mean, the controls seemed too complicated. I wish it was more straightforward. Then again, I don't want it to be too easy. I didn't even notice the timer at first.

I thought that you were supposed to collect the kiwi. I guess I just ran out of time right as I did. Whatever, this was a bit too complicated. As I've said before, I would have to mess with it to really understand it. It wasn't too rewarding.

kaiakairos responds:

The idea is that the runs are so short, it’s easy to learn from your mistakes and hop into a new one with your newfound knowledge. It's hard as hell, yes, but easy to learn once you give it a few tries. This was intentional design.
I can tell by your score on the scoreboard that you only made it past the tutorial, died immediately, and then didn't even bother trying again. I've seen IGN reviewers try harder than you.

I think the rating should be higher. I mean, it's not the best game out there. It's perfectly serviceable. I knew it would get a lot harder later on. I was really stuck when I ran out of charges. I can't play this game forever!

Yes, it was simple but good. The graphics were indeed nice. I'm surprised I got past the first appearance of the spikes. I'm glad there was a full screen option. I even thought the music was pretty good.

ChimeraDev responds:

Thanks for playing! The game is around 40 minutes the first time you play it! Its quite hard but it's fun to try again! Hope to see you finish it eventually! :)

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