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I think this is a nice example of how a simple idea can make something enjoyable. I am glad I did not have to wait until the orange line went away in order to beat the level or level up. It's just fun to see the ball go around. Once you're past the initial launch, the game plays itself. I don't think you can do anything to affect its play afterward. It doesn't have much detail, but definitley doesn't need it.

The name reminds me of that gum. There probably could be some more details, but it's nice for what it is. You also might want to have a bit more music. Orange is my favorite color! It's hard to say much about a game so simple (but it's still great!).

I feel bad for not having any idea what the dead marshes are. It's been too long since I've seen LOTR. Those "Hobbit" films just aren't going to be that popular. Anyway, it was great fun to play this! I was fascinated at how fun I found it to be! It didn't seem to have good animation, but it makes up for that in terms of playability. I think the main reason it works so well is because of how simple it is.

You mostly just had to stay in the same place long enough to time it perfectly. It's different for a LOTR game. It just goes to show you don't need to be too elaborate with a game like this. There doesn't need to be that much going on is what I mean. You even have some nice levels of perspective.

I honestly don't think that in all the years of playing games on this website, I have ever played a game with someone else. I think it was a bad idea to not have a "Vs. Computer" version for this. Of course, I do have to give it credit for being different than most games. The graphics and sounds are fairly decent. It's also pretty easy to understand the controls. It's still kind of a bummer when I just play with myself (don't think dirty thoughts).

The music is fairly decent. It's actually a pretty nice setup, but it doesn't suit someone like me. I still have to recommend this to people who do have access to other people. Wait, don't most people have that? It does look a tad old.

I was able to pick out every single character in this. This means that I still have those three medals that aren't about that. I wish I could understand it. I can recognize this as something from poxpower, or at least based on something from him. I was just amazed at the sheer number of characters here. It didn't seem to be based on any theme, like the Christmas one.

If you could make a collage like this showing off hot female characters, that might be the greatest submission here! It must have taken months just to make this. I liked how it was easy, except of course for the last three medals. It has tons of medals, but not as much as "Achievement Unlocked". It seems like these aren't really cult classics, just popular things. It works for me!

deathink responds:

collage of hot females... I smell gold.

I think what turned me off the most about this was how the graphics weren't that good. I guess you might have been trying to look for something nostalgic, but it just ended up looking cheap. It still is actually a pretty good game. It's mostly because it's done in the style of those old Doom games. You get the sense that you're up close in the action. The designs aren't bad either.

I should have known not to shoot at the explosives. I have never known if they would explode in real life. Probably. There were a nice variety of enemies and I liked how there were humans in there as well. It made it harder to tell who to shoot.

I didn't care for this game at first, mostly because I did not understand it. Even the instructions seemed too long. I am glad I managed to get this game figured out mostly on my own. It really is surprisingly fun when you get used to it. I just think the sound effects are really cool. You just don't know when you're going to get something that plays for you or against you.

It's even fun to see the guys float around everywhere. The music also appears to be quite ambitious. I don't know that much about quarks. It is interesting to play a game that has something to do with science. You always do have a variety of submissions.

Hey, XwaynecoltX! Anyway, I mostly didn't like this game that much because I thought it wasn't well detailed. The whole premise came off as a bit bland. While I am in fact a great typist, I guess I wasn't interested enough to get into it. I knew it wasn't going to be easy forever. That's pretty much guaranteed in any game.

The colors weren't terrible, but they needed more work. I guess this was just supposed to be something short and simple and it worked in that sense. The sounds were pretty good. There could have been some more music. I like the design of the sky.

I am not a fan of point and click adventure games, but this worked out really well for me. I think it's mostly because the graphics and designs are so good. I was even able to pick up a thing or two lying around. I think it's cool how you can access different areas at the beginning. I'm so used to those escape games where you just stay in the same place. These games aren't known for mobility.

Of course, it's probably just bigger than I imagine. Of course the only medal would be the one you would get at the end. What else would there be to do? It's nice how everything is presented in a pretty clear cut manner. It's fun to look at the nice details.

At first, I thought it was going to be that you just had to keep on sending your men forward. I got what I wished and it was harder than that. I still don't care that much for it, mostly because it doesn't have good graphics. Of course, I have played some similar games like this that worked. I like the little photograph you show at the end of the game. You need to have a more active game.

It seems like it would be best to have some control over one or all of the troops while directly in combat. You really don't know what's the next right thing to do. The music is fairly decent. I imagine this is supposed to be World War II. I just assume it's always WWII for games like this.

This game was pretty standard. I can't seem to even find the original "Cells" game. I was thinking the stringy thing was supposed to be a virus. In fact, I think that is in fact how viruses are supposed to look like. I still don't understand how to beat some levels. It's hard with how you don't have much control over the white blood cell.

In fact, I think the detail could have just been better overall. I guess this is kind of original for the website. I think the details aren't that good. I guess it wasn't intended to be that elaborate, but it should have been better drawn. Drawn, or whatever you do in web games.

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