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I was pretty impressed by this game. I think the best thing is how it's basically just the same thing. Of course, that was also a weakness, because there should have been more variety. It was pretty great to see you gain a flamethrower. I thought the game would end when you killed 100 of them. It turned out to just be a level and you stayed in the same place.

It was weird with how I died so easily at first. There probably could have been some finer details in what the enemies looked like. It was basically just the same guys coming after you. It is still funny to see you kill those guys. This was decent.

Well, I just got through finishing this unbelievable game. I think its biggest strength is how it is so fricking addictive. My hands are the most tired they have been in a long time. I hope this wins Daily Feature and every other positive award in existance. By the time the boss came, it wasn't that difficult. Of course, I knew I still had to never let my guard down.

Everything is designed absolutely beautifully. It's nice to know how many monsters are left for you to destroy. There is always going to be a new and interesting design for a monster on the next level. My only complaint is when I'm stuck with that short laser thing. It does me no good at all. Luckily, I just play the level again and don't have it.

I think this game had its good points. I think its weakest bit was how it was a bit too repetitive. The graphics didn't seem to do much for me either. The sound effects were fairly well done. I guess this is a pretty original game. It was hard to keep track of how many times I died. I don't even know if I did, I think I just went to the next level.

I think its biggest strength is the different variety of weapons. You didn't seem to need to collect ammo or couldn't. You just had to use everything sparingly. Putting "Ultimate" in front of everything doesn't always make it good. Well, I'm off to celebrate my birthday!

It came off as unique to me. I couldn't really understand why, but it just did. I think it's mostly because you just have so little control over what's going on. Normally, that would be a bother but it came off as pretty cool to me. I do think some of the graphics could have been better. This seems like a game where you would want more of that.

The music is quite good. It's kind of weird how you list yourself under audio, when it seems like it would be more necessary to not list anything. Is that something you have to do? I wouldn't know, I've never submitted a game before. I can get high in this game by simply doing nothing.

Wow, I was truly confused by this. I was amazed at how no matter what I did, I lost the level. I tried to collect only the blue bubbles, but my own power depleted. It kept saying I was closer to level completion, but that didn't make any sense. Every time I got closer, I lost health until I died. It's too inconsistent to recommend.

I guess it was fairly challenging. I just had no clue where I was going with this. The music wasn't that bad. The graphics were alright. I thought I wasn't allowed to go outside of those lines, not that it helped me much when I found that out. Not for me.

I'm generally not one for find the difference games, but this very enjoyable! Yes, it's probably because I was quite motivated because of the medals. In fact, it's the first game of its kind I've completed in a long while! I really like how the pictures tell a story. I didn't even notice that at first. It helps that the artwork is so good.

Some of these games make the mistake of being too hard or easy. It's nice to have a game that has a little of both. For some reason, the designs remind me of Taco Bell. I was reminded of Warhammer 40K at the end. I don't play that, I just hear about it a lot.

I thought this was in fact a decent game. I was thinking that it was just going to be one where you pooped at the beginning and had to go all out before time ran out. I still think it's pretty disgusting to be talking about poop, or rather, showing it. It is a fairly unique game. It reminds me of "Walk In The Woods" by Weebl. I wasn't even paying attention to points at first and noticed how low they were in comparison to other games.

It is hard to get so many points. Dang, that food really does go right through you. I have no clue if certain kinds of food give you more power than others. At least there wasn't that much of a depiction of it. The all capitals really emphasize it too.

rhys510 responds:

Thanks! :P

This proves that there were always strange games on this site. For the most part, I enjoyed this. What I didn't understand was what was going on. I thought I was supposed to connect to a single toilet, but apparently I just had to get the rocky things out. Dang, that sounds weird. I do like how the main character contrasts with the rest of the game. They didn't have toilets in the stone age.

The music it plays when you lose is actually a bit triumphant. I can't figure out much of this game to notice if it isn't. This reminds me of some other games and this is probably just as good as them. It's funny to see him dancing. You just have to be careful, I guess.

I think this is my favorite entry in this series. I think it mostly works because of how different it is. I'm not that much of a guy who's into puzzle games, but this was a nice exception. It mostly works because there are just so many different ways to play. I can't believe there are only sixteen levels! There's so much variety you think there would be more.

I love how the simple graphics work so well. I know I've said it a million times, but simpliticty in something can work great. You just have a nice sense of knowing what you are doing. Even the music is calm and peaceful. It's also easy to pause.

I found this to be a game that really went on too long to enjoy. It just seemed too monotonous. It was kind of nice to have that thing where you could tell where your enemies are coming from. I finally realized that when a boss showed up. Of course, I was clicking on so many things, the page was refreshed. I guess the designs aren't that bad.

It annoyed me with how you had to repair it more after enemies came. Then again, I guess that makes sense. It just doesn't seem like a very ambitious game. You could perhaps have better graphics. Every small robot reminds me of Wall-E nowadays.

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