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I found this to be pretty enjoyable. I admit it was a really original idea. Then again, it did get a little boring. I am glad to have come by it. You have such easy medals too! The animation is a little too simple.

It's still decent. Everything seems quite organized. It seems like I haven't played a puzzle game in awhile. The music is also pretty good. While not too elaborate, it doesn't have to be.

kikill responds:

As always, an honest and balanced evaluation. We will use your feedback to make the mobile version better. Thank you!

I think this was just a bit too simple. I know it's weird to complain about that. It's what you're supposed to do! I still thought you could have had more. It was weird how I couldn't understand the gameplay at first. When I clicked the upgrades, it didn't do anything.

I guess they were automatic? I just started getting better at it without knowing how to. I even got pretty far. The music was nice. It just seems too strange a game to really recommend.

I found this to be a pretty standard game. I really liked how it was easy to understand. Then again, I guess most games in this dare would be. It wasn't all that original. I did like the sounds, though. I appreciate how you got popular with this game.

I really don't care that much for most of these. I especially like the jumping sounds. Everything seems pretty mashed up. There isn't really a connected theme. Well, apart from Ludum Dare of course.

Honestly, I didn't find this game to be that bad. I guess it's because most of the other games aren't even working for me right now. It was kind of creative. There were a pretty wide variety of enemies. Then again, I still didn't like it because it was too simple. It got annoying having to shoot everything over and over again.

The sounds were fine. You could have had better graphics. It's always nice when people put a lot of effort into this. The music wasn't bad. It was just nothing memorable.

I ended up enjoying this. I am glad there's a counter to how many of these dares there are. I certainly can't follow them all! The sprite work was pretty basic. Well, I guess it wasn't technically sprites. I thought the game would just go on forever.

The sounds were pretty cool. It was just hard to tell what the right size was. It was cool to see how your combos worked. It didn't do me that much good. Congrats on being the thumbnail for this dare.

I admit that this probably had too many things to do. I managed to count all of them. It was a total of seventeen! I still enjoyed this. It's mostly because it's very fun to see a game about Creepypasta, which I really enjoy. Something truly scary is good every time of the year.

The music was great too. Most of the challenges were pretty unique. It's great to see the ongoing story in this. It's kind of different from the other games. The anime style is quite nice.

I admit that this game seemed too difficult. You had to find the way out of every level. I do like how it was creative like that. I can still appreciate how it I be creative. I recall the other games. It seems like they were better.

I appreciate the nice music. I didn't like it how you had the same timer. I don't even know if you could beat the game like that. I guess you just have to remember every part. The graphics are quite nice.

whileworking responds:

Thanks and yes, the game is hard... but doable. You will need some runs to find the right ways and shortcuts, that is part of the game! ;)

I really couldn't understand how to even play this. I basically just tried using the mouse and nothing happened. I guess I'm supposed to actually touch the screen. That still didn't do anything for me. I still managed to win a medal anyway! It must be some mistake.

It just seemed too complicated. I wanted more of a basic game. Maybe it's just from a genre that isn't for me. The sounds were nice. It was just too hard to understand.

wombay responds:

Could you try dragging your mouse (with left mouse button pressed) over the gamefield during gameplay? If there is nothing showing, you can still contact us via support@wombay.com .
Thank you for your feedback!

I admit that I shouldn't be biased. This didn't interest me because of the kind of game it was. It's still a well put together game. I really do appreciate the graphics and everything. This is a really nice main character you have too. She reminds me of Wendy from "Gravity Falls".

The voices are great! I feel bad about wanting to skip the dialogue. I just like the Christmas theme! I can't believe there's only two weeks left until it! It's fine for something quick for me, I guess.

I am not into games like this. With that being said, there was still nothing wrong with this. It's mostly because the artwork is quite good. I'm glad to see these nice colors. You seem to know a lot about India. Well, maybe not that much.

I think you could have had more than one medal. The music is really nice in this. It just doesn't do much for me. It's a very realistic game, I guess. This is kind of educational, I suppose.

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