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Well, it certainly lived up to its name. What I didn't like about this was that it was just too simple. There are so many better games out there that are better detailed. At least the gameplay isn't too hard or anything, it's just a standard game of snake. I also wish that there could have been some sound or music. The graphics were just way too simple for anything to really stand out.

I like these games as much as the next guy, but you need to bring something new to the table. Congradulations on getting medals, I guess. There should be shading and a lot more colors. Everything just seems a bit too bland in this. I guess it's okay for what it tries to be.

Well, it was too short, but it's still great to play as Chuck Norris. I realized that nothing could kill him anyways. I just feel this could have been longer. I mean, it wouldn't have been any harder, but it would have been great to see more detail. Oh well, at least it gives everything you would want in a Chuck Norris game. I can see why people wouldn't want to make this into a full fledged game.

The graphics and details were great. I was amazed that this wasn't made by Gonzossm. Unless it is that guy, using some alias... Anyway, it's great to see a game you can complete so easily. Chuck Norris should be able to get any medal, even the secret ones.

I kind of thought that this was one of the lesser games you guys have released. It was great to have the graphics style and everything, but it seemed lacking. It was like it was just the same environment over and over, but it was well done. I guess I must have had some trouble with the controls. I like the way the enemies are designed and how it's so easy to kill them. The hardest part is probably being able to make those long jumps.

Well, a little training never hurt anybody. The music is pretty stylistic and it makes you want to keep on going. You guys are on fire with front page games! The design of the protagonist is pretty cool, too. I especially like how he can go from wall to wall, even if I can't understand how to do it well.

Wow, this was one of the strangest games I have played in a long time. I mean, it's not that it's really good or bad, just very strange. For the most part, I think the good outweighs the bad. There was some kind of error and it didn't have any sound at some point for whatever reason. What's also weird is how you have to keep going through the same level. I couldn't tell if I had won or what.

It's pretty good for a puzzle game as it makes little sense. There's so much detail put into this strange world. It's hard to get around everything because you don't know where to go. I appreciate you creating an original game. I guess smarter people would understand this better.

I really did not care for this. I didn't even understand what it is exactly that I was supposed to do. I just kept on pushing the button in the middle, but I don't think it even mattered if I did that. The graphics could have also been a lot better. I guess I'm glad that I won. At first I thought I was clicking and causing the chili peppers to go away, but I didn't and they went away anyway.

That's a funny little rhyme I did there. The music isn't that bad, but it just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I can at least appreciate the work put into making something enjoyable. You just need to do some fine tuning to a lot of things. You should have more things going on.

This was a cute and clever game. I think the reason it isn't THAT popular is because it doesn't have a lot of variety. I still appreciate the cute little graphics. This is the kind of game where it's fun to learn it as you go along if you don't read the tutorials. I just like the way everything was presented in a very clear cut manner and you just had to tangle balls everywhere. I wasn't at any point even trying to get it in the highest ranking part.

It's nice to see the little achievements and stuff show up. It doesn't add up to that much, but the music is nice and it's a fairly relaxing game. I like how the big black ball has this red glow to it as it bounces the balls off strongly. It just could have used more variety. Make the levels different.

I thought this was a great game. The reason it worked so well was because it really had great detail. I know this has been done before with the "Centipede" games. What's cool about this is how it doesn't completely immobilize you and you have limited movement once you've collected all the blue stuff. The music is pretty nice and charming too. In case anyone's wondering, you are in fact only allowed to go to a drainage part once.

If you try to go back after collecting more slime, it's not going to work. The "Restart" button is helpful as ever, though. It looks like a lot of fine detail was put into all of the surroundings. It seems like a perfect environment for a bunch of blue slime to be. It's just a fun game overall.

You guys are pumping out front page game after front page game! I don't know how many people are working on this, but the end result is great! I will say that I am kind of annoyed at how you are not able to go anywhere without flying. It makes just moving from the little blocks hard. I still have to give you credit for having truly awesome graphics as always. It's unbelievable the number of great ideas that can come from this.

I really liked the music in this too. It reminded me of those Crash Bandicoot levels that took place in Ancient Egypt or something. It's great how the colors are so flawless. Everything with the graphics just flows so well. I like how the main character is reborn as a mummy. If only I remembered how to shake the sand hand off.

Nitrome responds:

Actually theses are all just games from our back catalogue that we are finally releasing to the wild but I am pleased to hear you noticed they were all by us. We don't actually make a game every week :) ......though we do roughly twise a month. If you like our games you should check out our site where you can find all 100 plus of them! www.nitrome.com

This is a pretty cool game, but there's just one thing wrong with it. I can't advance onto the next level! When I'm done with the training session, all I can do is click "Replay" or "Quit". "Replay" does the training again and "Quit" sends me back to the menu where my only options are two levels of training! At least the graphics and character designs are fairly nice. The music is also quite appropriate.

I'm amazed you were able to make these games in such a short time. Of course, not all the stuff you submit was made right after you made another one, I suppose. This reminds me of the "Lemmings" games. I've never actually played them myself, but I've seen tons of tributes to them. Congradulations on front page too.

WilkinGames responds:

Thanks, dude. Actually, when you finish a tutorial level, you can switch between the training levels. I remember Lemmings as well, awesome game! :-)

Well, that was definitley a weird game indeed. It ended with the brother flashing back to when he killed everyone and then it just stops. At least it was interesting to see how I could control two people. We never get any explanation as to why any of this happens. I guess it might have made a good Creepypasta. I could tell that something bad was going to happen in this as everything just seemed too ordinary.

No medals appeared onscreen, but I imagine it would be easy to get them back. There was no threat of dying or anything. Even when the brother came back insane, you didn't have to worry about dying. A pity the townsfolk weren't that lucky. I swear that caravan guy just disappears, but he was probably set on fire too.

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