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I'm starting to think the games you guys make are like generic brands. I've just been in the grocery store so much recently, I've noticed those. I still think this is a good game. It's really hard to go wrong with zombies. It's great to have this music. October is for horror of course!

It was a really fast paced game. It could have been better designed, though. The zombies could have not all been the same. It really is quite playable, though. Dang, you guys made a lot of games.

While not that great, I did enjoy this. I thought it was actually some pretty smart political commentary. Don't worry, we found Osama. It was really great to see how Obama really did become President. Being topical is always a plus. The animation wasn't bad.

I didn't know there were new things that were added to the levels. The thing with Michael Jackson seems weird as he's dead now. In fact, lots of these guys are dead. See? Something important did happen during his administration.

I'm not someone who is normally into games like this. I actually did end up liking this. I thought it would be more than a button mashing game. It was actually still good. I really could build up tension with myself. The title reminded me of Tails the fox.

The music was quite appropriate and worked well. I was surprised I could win from learning just one skill. I guess I'm better at this than I thought. I still want more visible action. This is worth checking out for most people.

I didn't care much for this game. It seemed like it was just you looking for green beams. Heh heh, that sounds like green beans. It did get more interesting when the enemies came in. I still have to give you credit for having a pretty original idea. It just doesn't work well.

It just seems like the same thing over and over. Granted, I wasn't too bad at it. People more familiar with the game should enjoy it more. I really do need to start reading the author's comments. It's at best passable.

I guess it is a pretty original game. I'm surprised how difficult it is. It is nice to slap people. It's funny, because usually it's the celebrity that does all the slapping. Now we can fight back! I appreciate how it's pretty easy to understand.

I guess I just have to draw a line when it comes up. I'm pretty crappy at dodging. I wouldn't quite recommend it. It does come off as a bit bland. It's fine for what it is.

I'm really starting to realize that P is for Pause. I appreciate all the little details in this. It really was surprisingly entertaining. You probably could have used better colors, though. The designs aren't bad. It's just that you do make the game playable.

It's nice how you have so much health. The shield is a great powerup. At the same time, it isn't too easy. There should be more space shooting games. The sound effects with the firing is nice too.

I admit that the game itself wasn't bad, but I suck at it. He always shoots me first. Even when I do manage to hit him first, nothing really happens. I think he just dodged it. I will admit that the setup is quite well done. It's nice to see a game about the Old West.

It just didn't do much for me. I don't desire to train to become better. Heh heh, train. The graphics look off at times. The sounds and music are pretty suiting, though.

Maybe I'm not someone who's into dress up games at all. I was just unimpressed by how bland this was. You put clothes on a girl and that's about it. I guess there's nothing really glitch about it. It just seems pointless. If you could make her naked, you'd get millions of views! Yeah, this website is like that.

I guess the costumes were kind of interesting. That's really all they were, costumes. You should try getting into something else. At least you knew how to get into the Halloween spirit, I suppose. Pass.

I guess it was kind of a unique game when you think about it. Unfortunately, it wasn't very playable. It was just you having to go through every single gate. I think that was too difficult. I can see why this didn't get popular. A bit early for winter games, eh?

Yeah, I used to ski when I was in Pennsylvania. I now live in Florida, really far away from snow. The sounds were pretty good. I could just stay in one place and be in a goofy squiggly line thing. Not too good.

Well, it's pretty easy to tell how you get the "secret" medals. This was a pretty good game, though. I'm not quite that familiar with the second movie's canon. It was nice how you fit it in. The sprite effects used were quite nice. I appreciate people who still use those.

Did you make all these sprites yourself? It even has good dialogue to do with it. It's easy to organize. It's nice to have a choose your own adventure game. It really does work more like a comic book.

Muja responds:

Thank you for all your compliments!
Yeah, I had to edit most of the sprites I used since there's really little pixelated ghostbusters material out there. I'm glad you liked the final result!!

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