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Why wasn't this in the Penny Bain collection? She was featured pretty prominently. Nice to look back at the website's history. Was this the first annual Clock Day? There weren't any official celebrations until 2005. My, have we come a long way.

This game was quite forgiving. I got a lot of stuff wrong but still got pretty far. Well, maybe it's just a really long game. You never know! I like how different the bag design is.

Why is this a movie? It's clearly a game! Anyway, this wasn't bad. It was nice to see all these random bits put together. I'm a fan of Beebo. That's a nickname my parents have called me!

I didn't like how it lacked music. It was too dull that way. The games were probably too small and needed more detail. I'm glad you tried something different for the series. It could have been better, though.

I think the problem with this game is that it was too easy.. The Lloyds are so dumb. It's easy to tell if they got an answer wrong. They just say random stuff. Still, I'll give the game credit for being unique. There aren't other games like this here.

I can see why the score is so low. Well, I never cared much for the series. Hey, there now is no 9th planet from the Sun! This game is now false! Well, nobody really cares.

This wasn't much. I mean, it was just me shooting the same target. I wished there was music. I guess it was at least challenging. My aim is terrible. Maybe movie henchman aren't so unrealistic after all.

At least Bigfoot wore underwear. I remember him from the series. Your names sound like Trey Parker and Matt Stone. It's just too basic. It exists at least.

I admit Eva isn't that attractive, but this is still nice. It's mostly because of the wide variety of clothes. You get so many of them here. They're all in nice bright colors. The music's fine too. Well, you've used it before.

You have a lot of mobility. For a dressup game, that's impressive. The background is really big. I appreciated that. Not too memorable, but good.

I can see why the score is so low. I couldn't understand this much. It was just about how you shouldn't poo. Everybody poops! Didn't you ever read that book? I guess it's kind of original.

There was so little interactivity. You just pressed one button. Oh, I guess you had to run in midair. I didn't really notice that. It was too bland.

The artwork was good, but I couldn't understand this. Congrats on being the most played game this Ludum Dare! Yep, I checked! Last time I looked here, the most popular one had only a few thousand. I liked the animation, but couldn't understand it.

There was no sound. Well, maybe I vaguely heard something. I had no idea where I could go or what I could do. I got as far as ordering some stuff. That's apparently bad.

I stopped at Level 6. I didn't know what to do. I just cut the cat's arms off and that was it. Boy, I'm deranged. Well, I got some medals for it. I got further than I thought I would. That's always inspiring.

The music is really cool. The answer to the first is Hepatitis B. Then I forget the rest. Uh, Merry Christmas! This was animated well.

Splapp-me-do responds:

Thanks! You have to lick the candy cane on question 6

I was impressed by myself. I got every single one right! I know that sounds arrogant. That's still probably the main reason why I love this game so much! It was quite fascinating to see these murals. Hard to pick a favorite.

There's so many I can't really single one out. I like that music. This was just a good game. There isn't much else to say. It simply wonderfully sets out what it's supposed to do.

That wasn't much. It was just you collecting CDs. I guess I'll give you credit for making it harder as you went along. It still wasn't that interesting. On Level 2, it looks like you had to collect them all ine one go. I never got into these characters.

They seem alright. DK just isn't my thing. The music was pretty good. How ironic. There just wasn't much variety in this.

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