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What a great game! Gee, I thought you guys would run out of egg-related stuff to submit. You can do so many things with eggs. An axolotl is such a cool animal! I still like cats the most. It even seem to suit the theme pretty well. I beat all levels, but only the first three game levels showed up.

Maybe the later levels could have used more variety. This is still amazing. It's just a very cute game. I had to learn how to move around at first. Anything can be made fun here.

I loved everything about this. Seriously, give it a higher rating! It's my favorite submission for the egg jam. You just get a never ending number of eggs to deal with. You could play it all day. I'll probably never find them out.

The unique designs are completely worth everything. I don't think it matters which order you put them in. It's still nothing but hilarity. You do so much with such a simple game. I'd have to write down every combo. I mean type all.

This game was just way too slow. I mean, it was kind of different than the other games. I had no idea there were so many in this egg jam! Jam isn't made from eggs! Make the title more coherent! The egg itself was far too slow.

I couldn't project myself well at all. It was just too frustrating. At least I could understand what was going on. This isn't an impressive score. Well, I've made something lower rated here anyway!

RockMiners responds:

I wasn't trying to make a really good game and also the slow egg and having to gain momentum is on purpose so that you have to not make mistakes if you want to go fast. I don't like the music too much either to be honest.

Sorry you didn't enjoy it, but I just wanted to say that some of the things you mentioned were my intention.

I'm very sorry, but I just couldn't get into this game at all. It just got too repetitive. It was just me laying eggs over and over. I wasn't interested to go on. I guess it did have good graphics. It just made little sense to me.

I couldn't launch myself in the air. I could just launch eggs with them propelling me. I wanted more variety. Well, this did make the thumbnail. It must have been doing something right. This just isn't for me at all.

Hmm, what would a monkey have to do with eggs? Monkeys don't lay eggs! Well, there was the Super Monkey Ball game. Balls are shaped like eggs. Was that the point? I loved how fast paced it was.

It did get pretty hard. You always had to start from the beginning. I still got the hang of it. Oh, so it's just egg games here. How silly of me not to notice! This was just very fun.

So this was about eggs after all. I really loved how much was going on here. This was the first game here about dinosaur eggs! Well, it was more about dinosaurs in general. Still, dinosaurs in general are always awesome! They were a favorite of my childhood.

I guess it's just July Jam now. It isn't necessarily Egg Jam. This might be my favorite of these submissions. That could just be because I love dinosaurs. Who knew mine carts could be so bad?

This was a great game! Or rather, should I say it was a great series of games? Anyway, it was awesome to see this arcade. We all have great memories of those. I don't think "I Wanna Be The Guy" is as hard as the Flappy game. I really don't.

My favorite game was probably Cuco. Maybe because it had the most action? I never realized how much you could do with eggs. I mean, look at all these medals! I wish the rating was higher.

Uh wow, this was really weird. I didn't know there'd be an egg jam coming up. Egg jam... Is that a kind of food? Well, we have jams for everything. Well, it did get harder with the later levels. You know, Level 16 was the hardest.

Oh yeah, we already had egg-themed games. This was just fine for a very quick play. We need stuff like that! The music was fairly good. I like scrambled eggs the most.

I did enjoy this for the most part, but it was still pretty hard. You know, with the touching your own blood thing. The second level was definitely easier than the first. Still, it's quite a unique idea. I like the music too. It almost sounds like something from "Madness Combat".

That always has great music. Even for most games, this got hard fast. You'd have to really train with it. It's certainly something I would recommend. I never let simplicity fool me!

Wow, this really was a cool game! I will admit that I had no idea what was going on. It was definitely a wonderfully huge world! I mean, look at all this area I have to explore. It kind of reminded me of "Minecraft". I've never played that game, but have seen it played all the time.

I should've known not to go in the water. Hey, it's Captain Quark! plfumot, you really have made some great stuff here! It's goofy, but very enjoyable. It's always nice to see Luis around too.

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