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I had a lot of fun with this. I'm glad I figured out how to move my character around. Anything about rescuing cats is awesome. I had no idea it would turn out this way. You always deserve credit for that.

The simplistic style worked too. This is the Internet! Shouldn't we have a Cat Day here or something? Eh, I guess that would be too predictable. The calm music is also amazing.

Wow, that really was a lot of fun! I have to admit I'm stuck at Level 11. It's very enjoyable for something with not that many levels. Really a unique game. It's weird how this was uploaded, frontpaged, and given an award all on separate days!

I remember a game with only one button. That's what inspired the "Dot Dot Dot" animation! The music was nice too. I'm glad we'll always have creative games like this. It's weird for a mole to be blue. Then again, all of his design is weird.

I admit to being confused by the tutorial. It tells me to go to the other space. I do and it just tells me to go back to the first one over and over. At least it didn't have medals. Then I won't be too motivated to beat the game! It still has amazing graphics.

I thought it said Rathing Games. Yeah, this is a more original title. I thought it might be a hotel game at first. You know, like "Ghost Motel"? It was something with ringing the bell.

Yeah, I knew it would go wrong at at least Level 5. This was still a nice game. I liked the quant colors. The sounds were really quant too. That's a pretty funny word. I just didn't like it enough to think it deserved such a high score. It's still definitely enjoyable.

It's weird how the medal has no thumbnail. I mean, it's not a secret one or anything. Nothing's as easy as it seems. People wouldn't want me to reveal how to play it. Walkthroughs are always around.

I didn't understand the title at first. I know realize it's an acronym. I appreciate the idea. Are these people zombies? I think they're just delusional old people. That's just how popular zombies are. I like the idea.

It just seemed too slow for me. I imagine that's what a happy home is like. The medals are set up in a really cool way. It just doesn't do it for me. I need to train at it.

CaldoChico responds:

sorry about, I appreciate you taking the time to play though and give it a shot, it really means a lot. Also If you get to the later part or end, you find out what/who the Men in Blue are, but I don't want to spoil anything haha.

I couldn't believe how amazing this game was! Mostly, I didn't expect it to love it like I did. I mean, there were so many unique ways of playing it! In this review, I won't even bother saying how to beat the levels. The fun is figuring it out on your own. I'll leave that up to you.

The music is amazing too. I love how you have so many ways to experiment with everything. I guess I'm not really into puzzle games. This one just worked so much better for me because of how different the levels were. That's unique for any game here! Dang, I wish there were medals!

Another dare? Just when you thought it was safe to think you were done with this website...Anyway, this was quite good. I'm just not into these kinds of games. I will admit that the graphics are incredible! I mean, it was so nicely done!

I just didn't quite understand how to interact with anybody. You still had great ideas. I didn't notice those seals on the left and right at first. I love the little gif under the author's comments. These dares will never end.

I couldn't get into this. I'm not much into snowboarding, then again. I'm just not motivated to get more money. It just seemed like you were going in the same places over and over. I have to give you props for having this get frontpaged. I mean, this is the first time I've seen it!

I don't recall Phil. I'm glad you mentioned where he came from. I never got into those "Riddle School" games. I know they get super high ratings here, though. Happy belated Pico Day and a belated birthday to me as well!

MSGhero responds:

We thought the links would be really helpful for all the new peeps joining the site, as well as a nostalgia trip for the oldheads

Happy birthday to me again! Sometimes, simplicity really does work out! It was great to have an easy game. Well, not one that you can easily win. I mean, it definitely takes awhile. My toast usually moves better than that.

I don't think I have a toaster anyway. This reminds me of a fake game I heard called "Wii Breakfast". I make breakfast every day! I rarely use toast, though. I could appreciate how original it was.

Ant responds:

Yeah it was just a random idea my friend had (MrRope) during school. So I made it into a game with uraomote, I'm glad you enjoyed!

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