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The best part was when I shot Foamy. He actually sounds more like Fred. I'm glad I got to kill someone like Fred. Foamy is still funnier than him! I like the animation here. It was quite an unpredictable game.

I could interact quite well. I'm not into these kinds of games that much. This was an exception because of how well it moved along. It helps that the endings were easy to get. It's fun to have a game with these references.

I thought your other game was better. I was thinking they would be locked until the days came. Instead, I could play them all at once. I didn't know how long an animation went on. I didn't recognize the NG characters at first. Well, they were all made to look like chickens.

Well, most of them. It can be hard to tell with the sprites. Chickens are of course funny. My favorite might have been Strawberry Cock. That sounds just like what StrawberryClock would have wanted.

I loved this game and glad it's gotten some recognition! I can tell the robot was inspired by "Gundam". You knew how to create some interesting enemies. I had forgotten all about Robot Day! It seems like everyone else has too. You have to take time to rest to create strategy against these enemies.

I thought some enemies were invincible, but they just took longer to kill. I had no idea you'd turn into a spaceship! It's Gundam with Transformers! You took a fairly simply concept and ran all the way with it! Thanks for the kick-ass level map too. You can make so much action with it.

Yword responds:

Cool, glad you found that the mecha design is inspired by Gundam!
And thank you so much for playing! :)

"Thanks for the free medal"? That sounds like something I would say. Well, a lot of people would probably say that. I didn't like how I died instantly. Was that Yotsuba? I know enough about pop culture to recognize a character just by their body like that.

I wasn't motivated to get stickers. At least I got one. That was entirely the point of the game, at least by the standards of the medal. Boy, is that gif cute! Yeah, this is just okay.

I liked this, but I wasn't good at it. The angle just didn't make sense to me. It was too awkward to really play that well. I did like the detail. The music was fairly good. I guess the graphics were fine.

It had some variety with the different goals. I like the idea of a hundredaire. I guess before a million it isn't worth mentioning. It was kind of unique, but not quite for me. It didn't come off as rewarding.

Joe-Mega responds:

You are a blessing Ericho. We love you :)

This was indeed minimum. I couldn't make any money at all! Thanks for making fun of Doug Walker! I didn't Newgrounds Reviewer's Worst Nightmare was a category. Eh, I'm not scared. I didn't realize you had to clean up the tables for money.

I've never worked in that. I've just always done dishes my whole life. I'm glad I got the medals even though they didn't show up on screen. Happy Veteran's Day if that means anything. The graphics were really good.

Wow, that was incredible! This won every award?! How did this not show up in the Weekly Top 10?! It's obviously a mistake or I'm mistaken. I just loved how many combos you could make. I didn't know there would be these many characters.

I didn't know how I got a bunch of medals. They are secret, after all. I didn't know how I earned them. This deserves its insanely high score. I thought it would be a platformer. It's wonderful no matter what it is.

I have to admit that this just wasn't my thing. I mean, it was too hard for me. The second level with the orange was annoying. Why didn't you advance to the next level immediately? It was annoying having to go back to the menu. I do like the idea.

It reminds me of those fruit slice games. Well, just not as fun. I would have to be more skilled at it to enjoy it. At least the music was good. At least giant chocolate bars are cool.

kaiakairos responds:

thanks for the feedback! once you beat a level theres a button in the bottom right corner that takes you to the next one. going back to the menu is just for if you want to skip a level :)

Oh, I wouldn't have loved it if not for the fact that the gems you don't have to regain the gems. I love this paper cut-out style. It reminds me of "Paper Mario". The music is nice and quaint too. Well, there are spikes, but no one cares. I didn't have the opportunity to die when the level was ending.

I actually failed the first level but got a lot more as I went on without dying. That's unusual for any game. I had no idea you could get so many targets. It really is quite creative. It's a very cute game and I glad it got an award.

I did in fact enjoy this game but was annoyed at how immobile I was. I could only stay in one place. The black creatures were especially annoying. I didn't know how many hits they took. At least the animals with the skull heads reformed away from me. It was still quite playable.

It's so satisfying to beat the one ghost and get 5000 points. It doesn't make much sense, but it's fun. At least the controls were easy to understand. The pixel art was good. Happy belated Halloween!

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