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I thought this was a part of the latest Ludum Dare. You know, where something changes every ten seconds. If it is, it would easily be at the top of the list. I like this Portaboy character. I was annoyed at how some games kept going on. Well, you just have to keep going on, of course.

My favorite might have been the fish punch. I liked punching that guy! Sharks are too mean. It was unique from your other stuff. I don't mean that it was a game, it had a different style of being drawn.

Damn, I loved this! I had no idea I would come across something so fun! There was just so much going on! I especially loved how it counted how many enemies you killed. Hundreds of ones slain that are recorded? Awesome!

There was so much vast space. Well, that's what outer space is. Stop tempting me to play on forever to see the full gameplay! I thought you were supposed to collect the little purple things at first. Hey, they seemed harmless enough! Of course, the graphics are amazing too.

This was hilarious. I'm honestly annoyed by all the h-games that are just the same. This was a very funny parody. The animation was really funny looking too. I really have no idea what's going on. That's all I need.

I don't know how to reach outcomes. I just press one button. I had no idea this was made for Ludum Dare. I couldn't tell it was made in a short time. I got through the intro and didn't need to listen to it!

I found this to just be okay. I mean, it was just the same simple images. I wasn't motivated to go that far. It was still at least easy to follow. I wish there was sound! Even though it came off as shoddy, it was at least playable.

I was pretty good at it. I had no idea there would be medals. Well, tons of games have them nowadays. It just isn't something I would recommend. The peaches looked like butts, but a lot of peaches look like that.

Trouble Juice? That reminds me of Beetle Juice. This game was a lot of fun! I especially appreciated just how much was going on. I had no idea there would be two bosses in just a demo! That seems like a full game to me!

Well, I've seen shorter demos. This had some really interesting enemies. I was able to beat the second "world" on my first try! I guess I was just used to it by then. I only accidentally killed the guy selling me stuff and thank God I did!

I guess this was a good game, as it was certainly different than what I've seen before. I've never seen YouTube videos being linked here before. I wouldn't have enough time to submit anything here. It's nice to hear random things. Well, also see random things. I appreciate anything being submitted here.

You truly had no idea what was going to happen next. I was impressed at how appropriate every song was. I don't know how this was generated. You're obviously quite talented. I like to see more people work on this.

Wow, this was quite an interesting game. I can see why it's the highest rated submission for this Ludum Dare. I liked how it didn't get too graphic. I loved how the dead bodies stayed there. If only the things you were supposed to collect did. I really liked this girl here.

Boy, did she get vulgar! Then again, that was a huge part of her charm. She looked like Natalie from "Epic Battle Fantasy". It's nice to see her again. I recognize those clothes.

For the lowest rated thing here, this wasn't that bad. I mean, it's still not good. It seemed to fit the notion of a game being made in 5 hours. I had no longer it would go down further. I liked that it was challenging. It just didn't have that much effort put into it.

The numbers are shown very nicely. They are, I mean. There's not that much else to say about this game. It was indeed about counting. Well, it was kind of unique.

It isn't Monday anymore. I still love that bear drawing you made. Yeah, this game could get frustrating. I was quite annoyed at how there was no level select. The music was fairly good. It's one game where you have no time to rest.

The title's kind of odd too. It certainly took effort to make. He kind of looks like Kirby. Well, a flattened Kirby. I wish he could move like Kirby.

LeviRamirez responds:

he started out as a kirby OC I made when I was like 8, and has morphed into his own original little thing

This was a pretty good game. I just noticed how alluring the music is. It was harder than I thought. I was able to get a little far, I guess. The title is pretty cool too. It didn't need to be that detailed.

I liked how it said where you couldn't go. It was fun how I was too fast to keep up with the hints. It's certainly a very playable game. I guess that's not that big of a compliment. I'm just into puzzle games.

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