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How is this supposed to be scary? Well, better it gets worse later on. I admit the game was pretty hard. The spikes were easily the most annoying parts. My favorite parts were the commentary. I just listen to that as an audio submission.

This reminds me of the video game "I Am Bread". Yes, that's a real game too. I don't even use my toaster that much. Nice title. Happy Halloween 2022 again!

crow-seeds responds:

The deeper you go, the scarier it gets! Happy Halloween to you too!

Yeah, I honestly didn't care for this game that much. I wasn't able to control my sword well. I thought you just had to click on the enemy. I was annoyed at how hard it was to kill the enemy. I'm just not that motivated to keep playing. This was still playable.

It was just hard to keep up. I'd have to do a lot of training. At least it made front page. I think its score suits it pretty well. The music was nice, though.

I liked this game, but it was certainly difficult! I had no idea there would be so much going on. I realize how appropriate the title is now. I thought you could only control it before you launched. I guess that's a better way to play. I thought the graphics were nice.

It is just a very hard game. I liked the "You Ded" part. I keep thinking there's some misspelling in the title. No, it's just a short title. While not great, I'd recommend it.

Well, that was certainly interesting. I thought it said "Tulpa". This certainly works out as a Halloween cartoon. Now, this is certainly meant to be spooky. You know, with the flood of blood and everything. Hey, I rhymed!

I like how casual he is about blood being everywhere. I would think he'd want to get any key he would right away. I got the red color obviously! I liked the sound of the rain. It's uh, realistic.

Meiallu responds:

"Culpa" is "Guilt" in Portuguese. And about the blood, it actually doesn't make too much sense for she to be so calm 😂

Oh, I didn't even know this was a Halloween submission at first. I'm impressed at how this got featured at the top of the page. It was a rather light-hearted game. It didn't seem scary at all. Well, I guess all stuff with ghosts could qualify for Halloween. I really liked how sincere this was.

It was great to have good mobility. You certainly had a lot to do. This main character is just a nice lady. I couldn't remember the first one. As I've said many times before, I've reviewed so many things I can't remember them all.

JoelLikesPigs responds:

Thanks 😊
Halloween to me is ghosts and goblins - not necessarily horror, just an opportunity to use monsters as a theme y'know?

I'm never good at point and click adventure games, but this was still great. It was fun to just click on stuff. I had no idea what was going to happen. I appreciate how cute it is. The sprite work is good too. I loved the dart board that became a cake.

It reminded me of Hooty from "The Owl House" for some reason. I wasn't able to interact well anyway. It probably could have used music. It was still quite nicely creative. The title sounds like some Encyclopedia name.

Well, this was a genuinely good game, but damn was it hard! Everything had to be timed to absolutely precision! I had no idea what was really going on. It's hard to be motivated to play something so long and difficult. It was done with good sprite work. The music was good too.

I can't even give instructions on how to beat the level. People don't like it when I give instructions in my reviews anyway. A lot of it just seemed like luck. Yeah, I'm just not into puzzle games. I still have to recommend it to people who are.

blit-blat responds:

Thanks, glad you thought it was good, even if it was too hard! As @qwerty741 said in their review, when you move, the monsters (and spikes) also move. The direction they move in doesn't always correspond with your direction, but it does remain constant.

I thought this was good, but I didn't like how it was arranged. I just don't like perspective stuff. Yes, I know it's meant to be like real life, but I have more mobility in real life! In a game format, it doesn't quite work as well. I can still appreciate it. Art's always to be admired.

I can still see effort put into it. I could see this as a real museum. Well, that would take a lot more work. Peter looks pretty nice. Hey, fnaf's right next to fnf!

Damn, I can't believe it was that hard to just beat one guy! You thought you had him beat once, but then he got his health back. Then you beat him again, and he got his health back. Then you beat him AGAIN and GOT HIS HEALTH BACK. I do love the axes, though. I just wish I was better at it.

This guy has as many backups as Freiza! I should more be used to Bullet Hell. The "Game Soy" layout was very nice. That's the second game like that we've gotten recently. It was definitely playable.

Frosty responds:

no dw i made the difficulty too hard. problem with playtesting is since i memorised all the patterns it was too easy for me and too hard for players lol

This was a very enjoyable game! I really appreciated the graphics. I remember playing games like this before. Well, not quite. I'm thinking of the games where you split something up over and over. This was still a lot of fun.

I'm glad you couldn't die by falling off. Those replacement ones were awesome! Then again, they did frequently kill me. That's one worthless hard hat. Your name sounds like Cyriak.

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