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It's been a while since I've played a game from you. I was wondering if you were the most prolific creator of games on this website. Indeed, you are! This was one of your best games. It was mostly because of the graphics. You rarely see a 3D adventure game.

It didn't seem like that crazy of an office. I was able to get a screwdriver and a key. I was surprised I was able to get out of my room. I knew that wouldn't be the end. I loved how there was a note from Dilbert. If only Scott Adams wasn't crazy.

I REALLY don't want to sound whiney, but this game was really hard. I didn't know which board to even step on to get the hole open. I wish you didn't have to do that. This game still had a great layout. I'm impressed I have this much power to give it a lower score. I like this crow thing's design.

It was just so frustrating. You didn't need much detail at all to make it challenging. The title sounded like Sceptile. At least I remember THAT pokemon! It just needed to be more understandable.

Well, this game was quite fun, but boy was it hard! I still have to give it credit for being so well detailed. I love everything that goes on. I would just have to really study it to get a good understanding. I thought I could just travel through the future to get everything solved. I like to see the dogs jump.

Yeah, it's those small details that get me. This was still definitely playable. I'm not going to get a Supporter account. I think I can see why it didn't win any award. Then again, there's so many submissions, they can't all be winners.

Markanime responds:

Actually the game won a daily award today :)
And yes it's a though game just like the old ones hehehe
Im glad you enjoyed it

Yeah, this wasn't really my thing. I can at least appreciate how it was challenging. Again, it isn't rewarding. I praise you for escalating things so quickly. Having this go on for dozens of levels is impressive. I guess the sounds are fine.

It wasn't well detailed. It just got too monotonous. This is mostly a mixed bag. I thought you could move the boxes with the mouse. This does work just as well.

I found this game to just be okay. I wasn't really that invested. It did have kind of a unique design. It would have helped if there was music. For some reason, I had to drag the cookies. I couldn't just use the direction keys.

It's still playable. I always like Christmas stuff! Well, unless it's awful. Christmas cookies are always cool. I like the details put everywhere.

sublevelgames responds:

Thanks for the comment. Just in case, you can move the cookies with the WASD keys!
I am very sorry that there is no music. I've never put music in a game yet. If there is copyright-free Christmas music, it would be nice to include it.
I just updated ArrowKey controls on v0.0.5!

That was a good game, but not a great game. It's probably the best thing submitted for this jam. I really haven't been a fan of it. I wish there were more than two levels. Then again, it did get a lot harder on the second one. I'm glad I was at least able to beat it.

I didn't get the controls at first. When the other two came, it was pretty easy to play. I just kept pressing the same buttons over and over. Obviously, you can always strive to not miss any glasses at all. I don't drink alcohol.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't really get into this. I mean, it was just two guys making out. That was really it. I guess I understand the title now. I didn't think it was worth three stars! You should have tried slightly harder!

I thought maybe you were trying to kiss that red cheese that was flying around sometimes. I guess that wasn't the point. It was at least kind of unique. It just needed a lot more detail. I only found three different kinds of kisses.

Well, that was very strange. I thought it looked like it was animated by eddsworld. I guess it wasn't. I still enjoyed this. The problem was that I couldn't get the darn thing to load! I don't know what a Star Jam is.

Oh, I guess I'll find out. I finally got it to load and had fun with it. I wish the medals showed up on screen. I liked the references to other Newgrounds stuff. The music was pretty good. I know Kevin MacLeod is always here.

Another advent calendar? You guys are spoiling me! It was nice to see these pictures as always. I will admire it seemed a bit too minimalistic. There wasn't that much detail put into everything. I always want more Christmas cheer!

I get more of these things every day! We'll always have great Christmases here. You could have used more variety with the avatar designs. The title's nice too. I've been having a good Christmas!

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