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Dang, was this one strange game. I saw the meter on the right pointing to 6 so I thought that was how many lives I had, but I died there. Anyway, the graphics weren't much, but I doubt they were supposed to. It's interesting to se you make such a strange and surreal game. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it that much because of how incomprehensible it is. I'm just glad I got the medal of failure.

I like how there are a lot of unexpected things going on. I just have no frigging idea what's going on at all. The part where I'm really lost is when the three green squares attack you. I can't find anything hidden to escape from that. At least I could get some parts figured out.

I was answering the right questions at first and didn't even know what I was doing! It's interesting to create a trivia game for us fans. This seems to have most of what you could want in a game like this. The pictures are drawn fairly well. I have in fact read all the books and seen the movies. Wait, I haven't read "The Hobbit".

Anyway, it's always good to make something for geeks. I was thinking a game quiz would be about more things, but this is fine. You obviously studied a lot of LOTR to make this. Someone should make an MLP version. Yeah, that's me.

I found this to be a pretty good game. I think its biggest strengths are that you some cool enemy designs. It seems like you were just going around and looking for household objects to throw at us. I don't know what some of these things are, but they're well done. I also appreciate being able to monitor what the enemies do. The upgrades are nice too.

You probably could have had more variety. I can tell when a level is about to end. The most annoying things were the yellow birds because they could attack you from above. Dang, you used a lot of songs for this. It wasn't common in this time to do that.

I have to praise you for having decent graphics. At the same time, I just didn't think this held up on numerous levels. I didn't like it how it was just the same place over and over. A lot of the effects even looked a bit too cartoonish, even if it was overall good. I appreciate how popular this has become. I always try to acknowledge that, even in something I don't like.

The music is fairly decent. I've never cared much for the Call Of Duty games in the first place. I've become familiar with them due to how popular they are. At least it wasn't too hard for me. It was a good idea to have modes.

I really did not care for this. It seems like this idea has just been done too many times before and much better. I couldn't find any weapons that really suited me. I imagine I was supposed to blow stuff up at one point, but the weapons were just too awkward. I was thinking that maybe people are just better gamers in this sense. It didn't seem to have much of a story.

The graphics are in fact quite good. There are some fairly interesting designs. It's just that I don't care for the controls. It seems a bit too complicated for me to even care about it. I just I'm just so used to playing "RaidenX".

This game's biggest flaw was how simple it was. Besides that, it was a bit hard to find anything that was really THAT bad. I think the best thing about this is how you don't have to learn a lot of hard instructions. It's weird, because simplicity can be both good and bad for something at the same time. The music was alright.

It was a bit hard to really be interested in it. It wasn't that well detailed or anything. I do get the notion that it probably wasn't supposed to be that elaborate. I think you need to work with shading and I don't know if there are differences between the balls. It just got too repetetive.

You deserve credit for making a game that's fairly unique. Then again, it did seem pretty similar to "Barbarian Bob". A good thing I like this game more than that. I really like how you don't have to guard against everything. I was pretty confused on how to beat the boss. His weakness is bombs, but that's what he hurts me with!

I thought maybe I had to hit the bombs against him, but it didn't work out. At least you have some decent graphics. I admit they don't seem that appropriate for a game, but that's okay. I think it's a nice setting too. For the most part, it's quite playable.

Okay, I am so glad you gave the advice of always blocking. I had about as much health as my enemies. In fact, it seems like they took about the same amount of damage at the same time as well. With that being said, this wasn't too fun for me. I just had to keep on guarding and there were no powerups. I will say that it's a good atmosphere.

The songs are nice and the sound effects work well. It's a fairly interesting environment that you have created. Anything with "Bob" in the name is cool. You're really going to need to work hard on this. Maybe next time.

Well, it seems a lot like the previous entries, but it's still decent. I'm surprised that these are all made by different authors. You probably could have put more design in this, with graphics, shading, etc. Of course, this was most likely not the point. I didn't know what was going on in this with the red things. I assume it was some way to get points?

I didn't know how I could even win in this. Am I supposed to pick him up in some way? I think the red bubbles that fall might weaken him, but I still haven't gotten any points. You should also put in music of some kind. I think the "Amped" name is cute.

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