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I thought this game was pretty good. The weakest part about it was indeed how you didn't have the most recent versions of the games up. I think I worded that poorly, you don't have any of the arcade games up. While the graphics were pretty simplistic, it actually made sense. It isn't a complicated game and I don't care much for complicated sims in the first place. I really did like the music.

I like how there are little things going on everywhere. You have some cute drawings of the places you go to. It's not that good, but probably worth a try. I guess this is a game most people on this site could relate to. It certainly worked out that way.

Well, I'm glad you mentioned how we had to look at the "How To Play" thing first. Unfortunately, it didn't help me much. At least I was able to kill some enemies. It all went downhilll when that big balloon thing showed up sending out a dozen of them. I think the biggest fault of this was how bad the graphics were. I have just seen so many games with far better ones.

It was certainly more complicated than I thought it would be. You might need to make it a littler simpler too. Still, it's obvious that people still like this. It just isn't my kind of game. You could just make it a little less difficult.

This game just came off as being a bit too cheap to me. The graphics, IMHO, just don't seem to hold up at all. It looks way too cartoonish. This seems to be something that would be more appropriate for a flash cartoon, not a game. There is also this really annoying loop, where two robots spit fire on me from opposite sides. I didn't hear from Statler and Waldorf in this.

Some of the artwork is pretty impressive. The design of the enemies are also not too bad. Again, the music isn't that bad. It just needs more work. The title seems a bit cliched too.

This was a very impressive game. I think it's mostly because it takes on the role of a standard platformer/shooter. Dang, I'm rusty at my skill on games like these. I could barely get past the second level. That is to say, I didn't get past it at all. The main character looks like Guile.

The graphics seem to have stood the test of time. I don't understand what the purpose is of those boxes that you shoot over and over and they never break. It would drive me nuts to try to figure out how to break them. I just have better things to do in this game.

I think the graphics are fairly decent, but for the most part, not that memorable. I guess it might be because I'm no good at this game. Then again, when I first played it, I did get pretty far. I managed to cause enough damage to just need one more blow to finish off my opponent. I always failed, but I got that far. I've become rusty over the years.

Lightsabers are so popular, you don't even have to limit them to Star Wars related things. That's how popular that is. You could have had the help part on the actual menu. Then again, you do have a tutorial there. It also describes it in the author's comments.

I'm surprised I did not notice this before. While it didn't win any awards, it is a game that has medals. This was a pretty fun game. The first three levels were just too easy. I thought to myself, "It's gonna get soon hard really soon, right?". My guess proved correct.

I just like how lush and colorful everything is in this. The music is also very nice and soothing. I think the hardest part is being able to go out at the right time. It can be a bit confusing with the buttons. This looks like something in the "James The X Zebra" series to me.

I agree with what some other people say, that you should have had some options. I think it's because this is just too specific. There is one thing that I know comes from a Mega Man game. I type that down and it doesn't work, presumably because I don't list the specific title. Of course, it might also have something to do with capitalizing. These should probably be multiple choice.

I am not too keen on quizzes here, mostly because I have too many of them in real life. I don't want to sound whiney, it's just that you have good graphics and they could be used better. The music is fairly decent though. At least those are good quality screenshots. I take that back, the music is really good!

I thought this was good. It seemed like a grave mistake to not have medals with this. A lot of people are motivated by that nowadays, you know? I did think the artwork was good. Come on, he deserves to be pummeled more than Justin Bieber. I wish there was some number on how many people he has killed.

I thought some of the attacks were pretty creative. I still don't know how to use the grenades. The instructions just kind of keep on showing up. There should be a collection on this website for games in the "Launcher" genre. There's certainly enough.

At first, I did not quite understand this game, because I couldn't control it much. I'm glad I figured it out soon. One main reason why I liked this so much was because I'm just good at it. Even without medals (so far) it's a lot of fun. I like all the sound effects. They seem to add in a good sense of uniqueness.

The game just came off as quite original to me. I never thought I would be able to beat one level. It just seems to be something that goes on forever. The graphics could be better, but I really don't care. It makes up for that in innovation.

It was strange with how easy this was for me. Some people seem to complain how it's quite difficult. I guess I'm just really good at it. I got every single medal on my first try except for the secret one. I think the other one in the series was better, because it was just more challenging. Well, I have played a lot of games here.

I wonder if any other villians will get games like this? You know, like The Rake or Jeff the Killer? The graphics are fine, but it is just basically me going in one direction over and over. Again, I'm not complaining with the medals. You just need to be more creative.

Brunodev responds:

Yeah you are good at it haha! All you need is timing management. Thanks for your review Ericho, and congratulations on your score!

EDIT: The Rake...hm...interesting idea. Thanks =D

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