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Wow, I am sorry but I truly hated this game. I couldn't even make it work. Even if I assume it did work a certain way, I apparently had to do all these things just to move. It's way too much effort. The music was really bad. It just ringed in my ears.

I doubt there was something wrong with my computer. Most people don't like this either. The graphics were fairly ugly too. I couldn't even lose right. It just had too many bad things.

I was surprised that I enjoyed this as much as I did. It was a pretty annoying game at first. I had no idea which character I even was. I still appreciate how go up too it was. I am so glad you had the upgrades. It seems like a game that just goes on forever.

I think the graphics are quite good. It's cool to see what kind of upgrades will come up next. At least the levels don't change with every upgrade. They're not that useful, I guess. I hope it doesn't become too addictive for me...

I think this may be the longest game in the series. Then again, it may just be because the gameplay was redundant. It is still quite good. It's great to have all these anime references. I don't even recognize most of them. It's great that you acknowledge how obscure they are.

I'm a bit familiar with some of them because I've heard them referenced in other places. The music was as good as ever. I thought that guy's name was Snoke? Maybe it was another character? Here's to Episode VII being good.

Holy crap! That was one insane game! I can see why it became the most popular out of everything released in these dares. It's the best game I've ever played from it! The wisecracks were really funny. They reminded me of Gex. The third level was completely killer.

I just randomly exploded for no reason. There's so many obstacles. It can be hard to aim the gun. I still love this because of the gorgeous colors. You know how to wonderfully create atmosphere. Thank you for this great game so much!

I ended up enjoying this game! Granted, it had me confused. I don't know why there's a Halloween game being submitted around Christmastime. I appreciate how you have these interesting designs. I like how you have a bunch of stuff in the beginning. A sword on hand is awesome!

It also helps that this is pretty short. I'm not into long RPG's. Well, I guess this is a point and click adventure game, which I'm not into either. Uh, Happy late Halloween or early Christmas? It's a nice play.

I really appreciated this! It's probably only because I was able to find that astronaut token. It's in the bushes near the beginning, BTW. I haven't found that, in like forever. I was still impressed by the gameplay. I never would have thought this would become like an RPG.

It's not too easy either. You really have to learn how to heal here. It's great to see a new saga being started by you. It certainly seems unique. I'm glad to have come by this.

I'm glad that I managed to get at least one medal with this game. I admit that it's almost depressingly hard. At least the graphics are pretty good. Level 12 was where I really lost it. I was so glad when I got past Level 11. The details are great.

Those bears are so annoying. I don't want to count how many times I died. You really have to use your timing with this. The redundancy can drive you insane. The music is nice too.

Well, what can I really say? This is one of the most awesome submissions I've ever come across. It's great because I was just thinking about how sad I was that this website was declining. I guess you can't do much by referencing the "Insane Orb" game. The music was great, the figures were great, everything was fantastic! It's great that we have so much history.

My only complaint is that you didn't have Blackie or Nephtyhs. Those are some of the hottest chicks to ever appear on this website! It was just wonderful seeing all those designs. I guess I was wrong. This has beaten "Picollage" for most names under credits and info. It deserves it, though!

I admit that this was a weird entry in the series. It's mostly because there were no zombies. You still created some pretty good minigames. It just didn't add up to much. I still like the animation. It was kind of fun to do these mundane things.

It was a lot more realistic this way. It's nice to see it end on a cliffhanger like this. The music was nice and stylistic. It was fairly fun. A bit more zombies next time.

I am sorry, but this game came off as pretty dumb. There wasn't any music. There was just so little satisfaction with it. I appreciate how it was kind of unique. The cat was really cute. I just couldn't understand it.

None of the stuff I bought showed up. Was the cat supposed to be wearing the glasses? I saw nothing happen. There were too many of these boxes. At least it was kind of different.

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