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I loved this game, but it's really only because I got so many medals. Usually, a lot of games are really hard. This took a lot of time to really get like that. I still don't think it was too easy. I managed to get caught on Level 24. The difficulty was so changing with this one.

The music was great too. It really is something unique. I've done patterns like this myself. My favorite is the one where the lines meet in the center. Did you steal my ideas?

I'm sorry, but this game just made no sense to me. The worst thing was how there was no music or sounds. You really could have used them in a game like this. I guess some of it is pretty creative. It's just too weird to really understand. You have done better things.

I'm not subscribed to you. I don't know why I keep getting your games on my screen. I like the Bill Gates head, though. It just isn't rewarding at all. The gameplay makes it too confusing.

I love this if only because it's new in the series. I'm so glad to have something designed by XwaynecoltX. The most prolific reviewer on this website deserves to contribute something like this here. It's a pity this isn't that more well known. I'm glad I got the first medal. I rarely do that on my own with point and click adventures games.

I guess I just like how nice this is. It's a game with a very authentic feeling. The voices are really good. I know I'll never make anything this good here with all of my reviews. The music's great too.

Wow... I am so glad to have played this game. I have literally been playing this game for over TWO HOURS. It is just THAT ADDICTIVE. I can't believe I caught this when it first got into the portal! I just freaking love the graphics. It's the only game of yours I've played that I've actually completely beaten.

It's weird, because the shield cheat is really the only one you need. I just used that and nothing else and it made a difference of over a million points! I am so glad to have finally seen the final boss. I'm even more glad to see these great characters back. It's been more than a year since your last game. It still seems longer.

I just love all casual everything is. It was also awesome how you had the number of things you killed. That does make you feel guilty, as Natalie suggests. The music was fantastic as well. You are simply a fantastic creator and I am so glad to have used my longest ever review on this website for you!

matt-likes-swords responds:


Wow, this is one of the most exasperating games I've ever played! I am simply amazed at how massive it is! It seems like the first world alone could be its own game! I still loved every pit of it! It was mostly because I pushed myself to my utmost limits. It got really frustrating, but it was worth it.

It even works as both a platformer and a puzzle game. You have great mobility. It doesn't make much sense, but it's still great to look at. It's sooo satisfying when you finally beat a level. I love how you can crawl on the side. Thank you for this wonderfully addictive game!

Wow, you certainly had a lot of songs for this. It's a pity that I didn't notice most of them. I did love this game. I am glad to see this series again. I'm so happy there isn't just one way to win. You obviously have no idea what will happen next.

The animation was nice and slick. It's great that this series is still around. I do think it should have consistent titles. It really is a fairly pleasant game. It never got bloody or anything.

PuffballsUnited responds:

Yeah this is the first time I've made a lot of songs for a game.

I really liked this cartoon! It's mostly because I haven't played a game like this in a long time. I remember these kinds of games from you. It was quite nice to see these bright colors. I was able to figure most of them out. You really do learn to grow with this.o

The sounds are really cute too. I didn't know the actual character would be something you would drop! I liked seeing all the little acid raindrops fall down. They're pretty well detailed. It's just a very fun game.

This was quite fun. I admit that it's pretty hard to get through at times. I guess it's just something you need to get used to. I still thought it was really creative. At first, I thought the sheep in the air needed to be taken out of the things holding them up. It was just something to hold them up.

I couldn't use the bomb well on Level 4. I thought you would have three of both things. At least you have different projectiles. The sounds were fairly cute. I liked how none of the sheep died.

This game ended up being a lot more fun than I thought it would be. It's mostly because I managed to beat it. I really couldn't understand what was going on with the boss at first. The sounds were really nice. I thought it was too easy at some points. The boss made it all the better.

It certainly took awhile to beat him. I loved how you had a lot of mobility. You couldn't really move, jump and throw your spear at the same time. He must have a lot of those. I don't think I saw Bigfoot in this.

HenrikSahlin responds:

Well I'm really pleased with the bossfight as well! I appriciate that you liked it. :)

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