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It annoyed me how you had to collect every single one. The controls weren't that good. Granted, that's probably because I'm using a laptop. That is itself cheap. The colors were at least nice. I liked the music.

It's just that there was too monotonous. I hoped there'd at least be some enemies in the game. Instead, it's just the same stuff. I wasn't motivated to play this. I'm sure you can do better.

I really thought this was dumb. How was it even a game? It was just you clicking the same things over and over. I can tell it was an early game. I at least appreciate it existing. It still doesn't matter.

It needed a background. What did any of it even mean? It was too boring for even a demo. We all have to start off somewhere. Your other stuff is great.

Sad to say I didn't care much for this. It's mostly because it's too boring. You just have to wait too long. A shooting game shouldn't have that. It's weird how I could shoot the windows. You'd think I'd lose points for that.

The music is fairly nice. "Police Bike" is much better. Weird how this wasn't featured in anything. I assume you'd have the most control over it. You're still great.

That was fun. I liked the political undertones. I like how it said use force when necessary. That was with literally everyone! Well, not the cars. Why don't people do this against the Westboro Baptist Church?

A really big meme was the casually pepper spraying cop. I guess it could be worse. I love the goofy designs. You are of course talented, Mr. Fulp. That's why you made this website.

This was really shoddy. It was nothing but cheap animation. It needed to be drawn much better. You couldn't even get the text right! Just type it out! You get better much later.

That's what I've learned from reviewing old submissions. It's way too bland. You make fantastic stuff later. It's great to look at those. We all have to start somewhere.

I was a bit impressed by this. I mean, it starts off in a single room. It's amazing how much you can do from there. To get the first medal, click one of the boards on the left of the screen. It makes this button appear. This green ball appears as well.

I can't seem to click it. Just go to the walkthrough, I guess. I couldn't get any further. Thanks for having an easy medal for once. It could be more detailed, I suppose.

This game is really weird. All I did was click arrows. Well, I got a medal so I'm not complaining. How weird it is that this got frontpaged. Well, I'm not one to judge. At least it's harmless.

I don't know why zebras were chosen of all things. There's really no reason. Well, it makes as much sense as anything else. The music was okay. It's just nothing memorable.

I liked this, but it could have been better. I think the concept wasn't that good. You had to wait for them to switch sides. That is literally. I still think it was original. I prefer the original "Space Invaders".

You're so smart! Nearly all of your things are edutainment in some way. I love your style. Like most people, I wish you were still here. I don't remember much about electricity.

It's always great to have educational stuff here. I admit there wasn't a theme to these lessons. It was just teaching in general. I can appreciate that. I love the CGI. This just looks so wonderfully goofy.

I wish you could kill your enemies. Instead, you just stun them. It was still a very unique game. The music's nice too. I think this is very underappreciated.

Dang, this might be the longest game from you yet. Go up, right, right, up, up for the sacred jar. Go right and collect the doll. Go right and find the empty bottle. It's kind of a given you should collect all the orbs you can. Go back to the part with the wheelchair in the hallway.

Go right and up to the drawer and get a key. Go back to the part with the green stand, go right, and pull the lever. Go up and use the key to open the door. Go back to the green stand, go up, and take the screwdriver on the windowsill. That's enough.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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