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It was hard for me to understand this. I couldn't control the camera or anything. It just showed half a blank screen. At least I was able to get one medal. That's all I really wanted. The controls are pretty good though.

It is a pretty unique setup. It's nice to see Picasso being honored. The music's fairly nice too. I could at least appreciate it. It's probably just the cheap laptop I'm using.

GoodL responds:

Well thanks for giving it a try!

Dang, I really shouldn't like this. It's just a cheap game. All you do is beat up Tricky. Why hasn't there been a Tricky section? He's an icon here! I think the animation is good.

It's just not that great. I want to learn more controls! I don't even think he fights back. That's just fine. You were pretty unique here, BlackerOuT.

I liked the design of the main character. He was actually pretty cute! I like how your games are informative. Why make something about a haunted house in December? Who cares, I'm reviewing this in October. How lucky!

I love the little sounds. I still can't get that far. It's fine for an experimental game. I always want to see those. It could have used more gameplay. It was still unique.

Oh, you WEREN'T supposed to smash the pink guys. It got confusing. This reminds me of that episode of "South Park". Wait a minute, this was made a long time before that episode. Well, as the creators themselves said, there's always someone who came up with an idea first. You know, Simpsons did it.

I loved the goofy sound effects. I like Dan's designs. I haven't seen snow in a long time. I guess it could have been more detailed. It's still good, mindless fun.

You made a lot of games like this. I do like these visuals. The best bits are probably how good the colors are. Well, that's really how it always is. It's hard to critique something so experimental. How is it even a game?

Well, it wouldn't make much for a flash. I appreciate how it's at least unique. It's hard to find that, given the sheer number of things I've reviewed. I remember learning about kinetic energy in school. Except I forgot what it was mostly.

I loved this game, but it's hard to say why. I guess I just loved the stop motion features it had. It was so funny to see those guys transform. It kept like that for the rest of the games! I really did like that. The artwork is great.

I heard this was some British show. Aardman has released some other stuff here too. Dang, is he talented! The music was great too. I think it's a very underappreciated gem.

I admit I'm kind of getting tired of that same music. I want there to be more sounds. Anyway, look under the car for the key. Use the key to unlock the car's trunk. Take the tire. The code for the box is "123" (sigh) and take the pocket knife.

Go over to the river. Use the pocket knife to cut through the grass on the left side and get an empty bottle. Use the bottle to catch the lightning bug back at the car. The code for the electric box is Star, Square, Triangle, Star, Circle. Look up the walkthrough for the rest.

Yeah, I can see why the rating's so low. This is really forgettable. It's just Jesus dancing. I expect better religious satire. At least it has nice alliteration. It needed more choices for music.

I liked the crucifixation dance. It was too bland. It would have worked better as an Easter egg in something else. I guess it's just a bad submission from you. You'd already made good ones.

Um, I didn't know how to use the skateboard. I try clicking on it, but it didn't work. I could at least adjust the ramp. I was using a laptop. Maybe it has something to do with that. It's just not that fun.

This looks more like something made by Ben Spurgin. Yeah, we all miss him. This was still nice I guess. I'd have to play it. That's why I put the star rating right in the middle.

In my opinion, this was much better than the first one. It helped that it was so much faster. It was way more challenging. It does seem like it was meant to be edutainment. You know, it would teach someone about the bloodstream. Well, it was nice either way.

You had to be a lot smarter with this. I'm glad you had the fast in the actual title. It reminded me of bed bugs with the title. They're real, you know. Watch out for those bed bugs.

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