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Well, I managed to get all the secret medals except two. That was pretty entertaining. The rest of this wasn't that interesting. Maybe it's because I don't go on the BBS anymore. Everyone made fun of me for being religious anyway. Oooh, found another one!

I'm discouraged from telling people the secret medals. People got annoyed when I told them how to play a game anyway, so I stopped doing that. I'm just more into game and movie awards. Happy New Year as well!

Hey, I love seeing any flash submission by linda-mota. You're the most prolific artist on the whole website! I don't like to talk about TheShadling that much. Anyway, this was beautiful. I don't know why it wasn't submitted as a New Year's submission. Well, I mean that should have been the theme.

I love the music too. I like how they kind of blend together. It kind of reminds me of "Zoomquilt". You should all check that out. Uh, Happy New Year!

Template88 responds:


radiodark responds:

glad you liked it!! happy new year to you too!

Luwano responds:

erm… worm?

Mittensx33 responds:


ornery responds:


linda-mota responds:


DieterTheuns responds:


SourCherryJack responds:


Rhunyc responds:


This was a pretty good game, but it was quite hard. There were times where I had no choice but to lose. There were nothing but bombs everywhere and I didn't know how to avoid them. Well, I do enjoy challenging myself! I just wish you didn't have that health bar thing. It was so annoying!

Well, I'm being too whiny. The idea is pretty good. I didn't know it was going to change arrangements. That made it even more complicated! It's still good for what it is.

AnderssonKev responds:

Thank you for playing! I'm thinking about lowering how fast the healthbar is being drained to not really focus too much on being as fast as possible. Learning how to avoid the bombs in situations that might look impossible could take a few tries. I've played a lot and I haven't run into a situation where I felt it was impossible.

Oh, it's just that same image over and over. Well, the fire does move. Happy Peter The Ant Day! I guess this does make sense. An ant in Hell wouldn't be able to move. This was definitely a lesser entry.

Being surrounded by fire is bad. It does fit the goofy tone. I can review pictures. I'm pretty sure I can review this. Well, there's too many ants anyway.

Backflash456 responds:


Dang, that killing on the first try is impossible! It looks like the medals are rearranged differently from now on. I like this new arrangement. I like the music too. It's amazing how something so simplistic has such a high rating! Well, we can be impressed by anything.

Happy Peter the Ant Day! I would have thought Darnell Day or Nene Day would come first. I never even noticed that ant. How did I miss this for Pico Day 2021? I was too busy back then.

That actually was a lot of fun! It was great to learn about how I had more mobility. Sure, the graphics weren't great, but it was made to be cheesy. This may become some post-Christmas tradition. It's better than Indian Ocean Tsunami Day. Dang, that's a lot of hammers.

I don't know how to get most of these medals. I just liked dodging everything. It's a great time waster. Ants are blue! Well, they also can't jump that high.

Wow, that was actually pretty awesome. The best part was how I got easy medals. Well, I didn't know what the medals were even labeled at first. It was a game that just repeated itself. I know cartoons do that all the time, but not games. Is that a first?

If so, then more credit to you! I love the goofy graphics. I don't know if more civilians are added. I guess I still have to left click to restart the game after all. It was still a wonderfully simplistic game, even though there was a lot going on.

This was kind of an annoying game. I didn't know how to trade things. I mean, I at least learned that LMB means "left mouse button". I tried clicking to trade things on Level 7, but nothing seemed to work. At least the gameplay itself is nice. I couldn't learn how to craft anything.

I find it funny how crows can destroy a whole train. It's good, just not that interesting when it comes to gameplay. I would still recommend it. This really is a huge game. I appreciate it for what it is.

StalenGD responds:

You can craft and trade by mouse click on recipe, but you must have required materials in your inventory for crafting/exchange, nothing will happen without them.
Thanks for feedback!

I really had no idea how to play this game. I couldn't interact with anyone. All I could really do was open lockers. I couldn't use the poop in the locker. Wow, that's an odd thing to say. I wish I could shoot.

I do like the appeal. It's certainly a unique setup. It has a good use of 3-D. I liked seeing all the little details. Well, tutorials make everything better.

This was great, but I will admit it was weird with how there was only one level per day. It's still very enjoyable. Christmas is for waiting after all! Penguins are always cute. I didn't know you'd lose all items at once. I should play Sonic more.

I appreciate the music too. It has such adorable graphics. I thought you'd do nothing but sliding. I'm glad there was some variety. The name looked like "Pingu".

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