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Another hard game for Pixel Day! This is easily the best one we ever had. I'm glad I noticed the tutorial. At first, I thought the barred off parts would lead you to the second floor. No, you had to beat every floor over and over. That did get rather tedious.

I still loved the setup. The sprite work was fantastic as well. I just call it sprite from now on and not pixel. I mean, they're the same thing, right? We know what it's like to work hard in the courses we get for college, just not fighting off the sapient art monsters.

Yikes, this is in fact the best game for Pixel Day 2022! I was amazed at how good this was! You could just go on forever fighting off these endless enemies. I also loved how there were always new ones. I managed to get the hang of it. At first, I thought it would be disappointing that there was only one boss.

I am so glad that wasn't the case! The music was appropriate too. Damn, look at all the artists that worked on this game! I generally used to seeing this long a list from cartoons and not games! Long live Pixel Day dudes! I managed to beat the second boss on the first try.

LeviRamirez responds:

Thanks for the kind words man! The music team worked really hard to make some bomb tunes! <3

What's with these massive games in terms of size?! I'm so glad I can just make the screen smaller. The best part was easily how you could change the intensity. I love this serene music. I'd love to see a collection of the other gifs people have made. Why am I so bad at drawing?

I guess I'm just bad with computers that way. I always love games that show off creativity. I could probably make that robot. Happy Pixel Day 2022! We've certainly had some amazing submissions!

Wow, another beautifully done game! I had no idea just parking would be so difficult! It was just amazing with how fast paced this all was! There were tons of bullets spraying at me just while ON the exit! You still have absolutely gorgeous artwork here. The music fits well too.

This really is an amazing Pixel Day! I was amazed at the sheer number of cars I had to get in! I'm glad you didn't have to park perfectly to win the level. I love how this character is depicted. This is such a love letter to sprite or uh, pixel stuff.

This is a great game, but DAMN is it hard! I can't even count the number of factors it takes to beat a single level! You have to deal with the time limit, changing the angle, picking up the objects, throwing them at the enemy, throwing them on the buttons, throwing them at JUST the right angle to hit the buttons... I could go on all day! Okay, enough with the bitching. This is a fantastically designed game.

I just sit in awe at the sheer amount of detail put into everything. Even the hero is a great tribute to pixellation. Aww, not the naughty kind. You get some great music as well. That poor dog.

Oh yeah, I've played pickleball before. That's a game my dad always plays. I don't know what its name means. I'd rather try cucumberball. Boy, was I unprepared for how hard it got! They got into teleportation right in the second game!

That's certainly a good way to escalate. I'm just not motivated to go that far. I do like how far this goes. The graphics still looked a tad rough. Sports games aren't 100% accurate anyway.

This was a good game, just not one of my favorites. It worked pretty well as an adventure game. It was uh, kind of hard to comprehend. I would have to train to get that good at it. It was certainly creative. At least I learn how to eat livers.

I do like the idea of using bile. I mean, the ancients believed that half of all bodily fluids was bile! You know, yellow bile and black bile. The music and atmosphere were rather fitting. I'm more familiar with those other cryptids, so it was interesting to be introduced to something new.

I have to admit I wasn't THAT big a fan. I did love the animation. Everything Pico says is just so funny. You have to keep on clicking the garbage to get the pliers. I thought clicking on the ant would count as a Newgrounds reference. I guess not.

Bear has never been harder to beat! I do in fact remember these characters. I am just bad at this game. I would have to train a lot to understand it. It still perfectly captures Pico!

This was a pretty good little game. I will admit that it could have been more creative. It wasn't more than a typing game. It was still pretty difficult. That means a lot in a game like this. It had too big of a screen.

I mean, (hey, I rhymed) you had to make everything smaller to see the whole thing. One easy medal is enough. I'm glad I played it on a computer! Well, I play nearly everything there anyway. It was indeed patterns.

Well, that was quite an odd game. I'd think with simple math it would be easier. Boy, was I wrong! I thought going backwards would be more useful. You know, you could just put different numbers in the same spot. Instead, you undid the numbers you already eliminated!

It's a very innovative idea. It isn't about math at all. You just have to put everything in the exact right spot at the exact right time. I think anyone can figure these equations out. Thank God you don't get into statistics!

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