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That was indeed quite odd. I admit that I'm not into visual novels. There's just too little gameplay, you know. I'm glad to have played this though. It had a nice feeling to it. These were some good drawings!

You know, what little drawings there were. I managed to have a good Valentine's Day! I just expected something more romantic for it. I still don't want porn, though. This is fine for a short play.

I admit I was confused by this at first. I thought you weren't able to make that first gap. You just had to go really fast! It was quite impressive with I could even get this far. It's weird to have a headlined game with no medals. I probably couldn't get any anyway.

I was afraid it would just be that one level. I am so glad I got more out of it. It wouldn't be that high of a score if it was just one level! It seemed like a space shooter without the shooting. Uh, Happy Lincoln's birthday?

This was a pretty cute little game. I especially loved how simple it was. It didn't seem too easy or too hard. It maybe wasn't that unique, but still good. You just need to work with the graphics. It was certainly abstract.

The music wasn't the best. This seemed to take place on the Moon. Those obstacles just looked like Moon rocks. The shape was pretty abstract. I guess I was expecting a ball.

Damn, this game was addictive! I just loved how it was in such high spirits. I really had no idea it would be this fun. I just love the dimensions of everything. That one level for me was 32. They look like bits of rice.

The non white parts were like meat in sushi. The music was wonderful and relaxing too. It does go under relaxing. At least it has a good rating. Yep, it still gets frustrating eventually. I'm still great at it for the most part however.

Well, this was certainly a unique game. I admit that I really can't get into it that well. I would have to learn how to maneuver everything. I guess I'm just not good at those kinds of games. The graphics are amazing! I mean, it is such a nice layout.

There's a lot of people looking into it. I would love to see more developments. I think the problem might be that I review too many things. I have to really love a game to get into it that well. For the millionth time, I also play them for the medals.

rhys510 responds:

We may not have Newgrounds medals but we have steam achievements :)

Thank you for the easy medal.

beenibroh responds:

i love you

Ant responds:

i love you

This seemed apocalyptic or something. You know, with the first everywhere. It was still not too bad. It was just too monotonous. Damn, that word has a lot of Os in it, right? My favorite part was probably how you could follow it easily.

I didn't like seeing that crab butt. I mean, I don't know how crabs excrete. I did still like the layout. At least it got the thumbnail. This is at least playable. It just isn't creative enough for me.

Unfortunately, I couldn't understand this game very well. Damn it, another jam! Well, it isn't a day. I could only change the platforms when the spot was clear. Well, it was at least still creative. Happy Global Game Jam! Nothing will surpass this year's Pixel Day.

I just needed to understand it more. The third level was too frustrating. It just made little sense. It was at least creative. Happy first day of February if that means anything.

I did in fact like this, but it did get rather tedious. I still loved how a lot of stuff was constantly going on. I mean, you have such great action everywhere. It was more challenging than it let on. I loved those clapping hands. It's a pity I didn't see them that much.

Damn it! I didn't catch this on Pixel Day so I can't get that medal yet! Well, enough complaining, this was certainly a unique game and the character did look like a pixel, albeit a well detailed one. You have to get a lot of money for those upgrades. It's still addictive, if only because I'm motivated by continuously being defeated.

Peti responds:

Dang! Thanks for the kind words, man!

I didn't know this would get that good! It wasn't until you got into 3D that it really ended up being awesome! You could do so much with that! Judging by the title, I would have assumed this would be bad. There's a lot of spam games like that. I'm glad it was genuinely good.

It wasn't one of the best submissions, but the view should still be higher. Maybe the music is a bit too high. I'm glad I remember to press "Esc" to leave the game. You know, with the clicking. It had more dimensions than I thought. I mean that literally.

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