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I was seriously quite impressed by this! These were some very unique enemies. I really am bad with boss fights. At least Dash is useful. You get some great colors and atmosphere. I think the rating should be higher.

I'm glad to give it a great score though! I love the boobies comment as well. You have done Pixel Day proud. You have some a simple design for the robot protagonist, but it suitably fits the tone. The usage of colors is great too and it's so atmospheric.

For this description (not just the author's comments but also the thumbnail) you get a passing judgement from me. I guess it...does deserve a low score? Well, whatever I'm glad I played it. I'm also proud to be its first and possibly only reviewer. You are a troll, but in a funny way. I have in fact complained about these games being too hard.

Hmm, I won't reveal how to get the medal. I want everyone to challenge themselves on how to get it. Why did this character have no arms and only legs? That is such poor design! It may be the most Miscellaneous crew I've ever seen.

Thanks for the message! I thought it would be really hard. I'm so glad I was able to get into this amazing game. This is the best Pixel Day ever! You don't press "Tab", you just click space over and over at that part. I hope that clears it up for everyone.

I wasn't expecting it to be so creative with these zombies. Damn it, if there weren't more of these submissions, this would have gotten Daily Feature! It deserves its high score. It isn't until you open the door that it really gets amazing. I guess a guy with a skull head would be a good match against zombies. Happy Amazing Pixel Day now and forever!

jefvel responds:

Glad you were able to play it, and thanks for trying it out!

Dang it, why isn't the score higher? I mean, I know the last one was a tough act to follow, but given how high the scores on the games for Pixel Day 2022 have been, it should be higher! The music was incredible. I just loved jumping around everywhere. This may be the longest demo ever made. That just makes it all the more awesome.

While not a full game, this was still a lot of fun. I just love seeing this environment again. I guess there weren't really enemies, as you couldn't kill them. I got a score on the second level of over...oh you know.

UnlimitedTrees responds:

da enemies can be killed , i shoulda put in a tutorial or somethin but didnt hav da time !!! ithink there is a lot to this game ppl r missing which is kinda my fault but im glad ppl enjoy it regardless

Damn, I was so impressed by this game! I love the adorable of these adorable little creatures having to deal with tax evasion. This Pixel Day has truly brought us some of the best games ever! I think tearing up a paper was my only option. I thought you'd enjoy the snails in battle more like a standard RPG. I guess I really am lighting up to RPGs.

It helps that there's so many of them. I guess vegetarians are dangerous in this scenario! Hey, it's Grandpa Lemon from "The Annoying Orange". I wish the orange had a game as quaint as this. This title is certainly a rare sentence. I'm glad so many people enjoyed this as beta testers!

Damn, those are some HARD medals! Well, this is still a great game. I was so glad that you could hit more than once. There was a ton of music credited here too. I can understand how something so massive would have that many songs. I haven't played a golf game here in a long time.

This shows how far we've come with flash. I'm glad it wasn't THAT complicated. I really do like miniature golf in real life. Actual golf is hard and annoying. These characters have very unique designs too.

The Czech Republic? How interesting! I've never heard of an artist from there. I can see why people wouldn't like this, as it is rather complicated. It's still wonderfully animated. I mean, you create a great environment.

You truly have to use strategy. It was just hard to merge things. These characters have such cute designs. I'd have to love it to really figure out how to craft things. At least I got past the first level.

DarkryCZ responds:

Thank you, I guess? :D
It's not that hard. The first levels do not even include crafting. I should have included tutorial. Didn't want to make first level all crazy hard with all the things but it seems that made it harder not to include them.

I loved this game and thought it was one of the best for Pixel Day 2022! I was just amazed at how I was motivated to play without medals. I'm sorry. It's just that the gameplay in many of these games is just so freaking difficult. If it wasn't published on Pixel Day, this would have gotten Daily Feature. I even love the cutscenes, er, cutpictures?

Oh, I thought I discovered a new word, but then that red underline appeared! I love how cartoonish this is. I counted 12 hits it took to take these enemies out. I just need to learn how to interact. I can assume you need them all to pass the level. Well, this at least got frontpaged!

Roksim responds:

Aww, that's really kind of you to say! You can interact with things by pressing "E", if that's what you mean - and I hope the no-medals thing gets made up for by in-game achievements!! There are 5 endings (a specialStompo gives you hints on how to get them), and you get to a special surprise and credits by getting all 5, so if you like playing it, you can try doing it as your goal!!

At first, I was afraid this would be too easy. I should have closed my mouth upon seeing those fire spitting things. I thought I would at least be able to kill them. Leek's a pretty weird name. I like the idea of throwing water balloons.

This was addictive if only because it was easy to understand. I'm sorry, but many of these games have been very hard! This was just a great game in itself. I'm glad the enemies weren't too fast, you know, them being snails. I'm motivated to go faster.

Wow, you have to get through a lot to understand it. I truly appreciate the gorgeous graphics that are shown everywhere. Thank you for easy medals. The music was great too. I was just confused at how many different moves there were! There were so many factors.

It's just a game you have to take slowly. I admit that I really have happened up to RPGs like this. I can at least comprehend the gameplay. Damn, those ants are good at dodging bullets! Happy biggest Pixel Day ever!

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