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I found this to be a fairly enjoyable game. I think its biggest weakness was how it didn't have that much detail. I can of course tell that this wasn't supposed to have that much detail. I liked how it just had a really optimistic tone to it. I can see how happy the balls are when they are released. Some of the levels are very well designed.

The one level that I can not get past is the eighth one. I like how there are different balls which all serve different purposes. Many games like this do not have variety like that. I do seem to lose time after I set one ball down. Gee, this sounds dirty.

I should not like this. You don't have any means of defense, but just keep on dodging the enemies. To my surprise, it's actually a pretty enjoyable game. It mostly works well because the graphics are so good. I guess the idea of collecting rings wouldn't fit the series itself much, but it's a fine premise. The music is also pretty good.

There could have been more detail. All the Nazgul (that's what they are, right?) could have had more unique designs. Then again, they didn't have that much in the original book or movie. Yeah, it's been awhile since I've read into that stuff. It's funny how the ring looks like a yellow doughnut.

I thought this had a pretty nice layout. I will say that I ran into the problem of how the graphics don't hold up well. It is quite unique for a game like this. You would expect a ninja game to be nothing but action. While I would have preferred more action, this is still very nice. It's mostly because it gives you a sense of learning how to train in a dojo.

This is more of what real ninja had to deal with. Yes, I'm fairly certain they were real, but not like how we depict them. It has a surprisingly steady tone to it. I guess it's just a pleasant atmosphere. I like how you say where you can go with the arrows on the screen.

Well, I never thought I'd go and find one of these submissions so highly ranked. I have to admit that the thing looks freaking gorgeous. What I didn't understand was how to play it. I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to hit the other blocks. I think hitting the sides gives you a higher score. It's interesting to have something so different.

I doubt this is exactly how evolution works, but it wasn't trying to be realistic. It did succeed at being trippy, if that was your intention. The music matched the theme quite well. It's not one of my favorites for LD 24, but it's still good. It's quite detailed for being made in a short time.

I found this to be fairly similar to your other game. In fact, it's too similar. It's basically just the same thing only with some snow. You didn't even have to make it about Christmas, but just about Winter times. Maybe there's some big payoff in the end? It's weird how you don't even explode when you hit some of the rock.

That only happens when you land on the platform! This game just doesn't have anything to be recommendable. The graphics are fine for what they are. You do probably need some more shading effects. There are just so many better games out there.

I found this to be a decent game. High there, Cyberdevil. I think it's pretty cool how the graphics are fairly decent. What I didn't like, however, was that there didn't seem to be a lot going on. I have no clue what those little boxes marked "M" mean. I imagine it stands for Miniclip. They're not a powerup, only a mild hindrace.

It could have also used some music. Dang, has it been a long time since I've seen snow. The CGI do seem to stand the test of time. It's too bad that hasn't ever really been utilized here. It's probably all the better, as all mainstream video games have it.

I am not a fan of card games (either on video games or in real life), but this was still really cool. I guess it's because it had a fairly simple premise that I was able to understand. It was so satisfying damaging that guy. Granted, I only beat the first opponent, but I've been in worse situations. The artwork is fairly decent. Some of it does look a bit dated, though. The designs on the cards are fairly good.

I also like how the game is done at a really good pace. You truly get the sense that you can take your time. I'm not sure what the title means. I guess Maganic is just a way of saying mage or wizard or sorcerer or warlock. Do those things have any differences?

I went past the Intro part and nothing happened. I thought it might have just been something wrong with my computer, but everyone else seems to have this problem too. It really reminds me of Weebl's stuff. I think it's because he did a lot of stuff with Cadbury Creme eggs. Dang, he must have gotten a lot of royalties. I thought the animation was pretty good.

I tried to go to other websites, but nothing seemed to work. I have in fact played this before, but can barely remember anything about it. I don't remember it being particularly good or bad. You guys need to update on this, because it at least won an award. Weebl and Bob kind of look like eggs.

I was fairly interested in this. I will say that it was a bad idea to make this game so short. It was still pretty good with how you had more points for getting the same kinds of fish. It really gets hard when more cans and underwear come by. Then there's that cloud that hits you with lightning. The sounds seem to be pretty appropriate.

I admit that a fishing game isn't something I'm looking for, but it's still good. The artwork is fairly sleek in this. It could have been more detailed, but I've seen a lot worse. The colors seem to flow together pretty well. It is action packed when it gets harder.

I'll never understand why a frog of all animals would be able to drown. I guess it could be worse, it could be a fish drowning. Anyway, it was quite interesting to see all these nice details. You could really get a sense of being in the original game. You even upped the ante by having these different places to go into.

The music was probably a little annoying though. I liked how everything was presented in such an understandable manner, which probably made the original so good. I do think some designs could have been better. I have no clue what those red things are. It's definitley faithful to the original game.

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